My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Well, I have discovered something about our dear welsh polictical party. Plaid Cymru. Party of Wales.

Well. Party of Wales. Have changed their name to Plaid. Party. So. Wales isn't invited to the party?
So, there we go. A Welsh political thing, dropping Wales from their name. And their Welsh dragon, Welsh mountain logo.

So here is the new, reformed, non-welsh logo:

Hold on? Where have I seen that?

Oh yes. The oil industry giant bp:

Now. I think there must be some sort of conspiracy. Perhaps bp has payed "Party" to, univite Wales from the Partay. Hmm, perhaps they will form another political party. bpPlaid?

Yes. Convincing evidence.
bpPlaid. Vote for us. Or we will drown you in Petrol.

Vote bpPlaid. I mean. Sam.


Well, while watching my country lose against Ireland and their 66% possession, I have managed to finish that piece of english work.
Now, when I can be bothered. I should finish my IT website work thing.

But for now, I will insult an ad I saw this morning. Well afternoon. Seeing as, once again, I woke up past noon. I think the CoCo Pops people and that blasted monkey, rat thing are trying to get the younger generation into drugs and smoking, with their new CoCo Pop straws, which look, too much like a spliff for conincidence. So, You'd rather have a puff of Coco Smoke?

Hmm, seeing as I'm posting about things.
I may aswell mention Bingo. Anyone ever played bingo on
I think I might be the only person who hasn't won. Satan runs that game.

I'm serious.

I'm like, one number away from Bingo (and loads of tokens and an actual chance of winning money) and some other bastard wins. Pah. Fuck you bingo.

Ooo, look, someone died in rugby, who was that?
Some Irish dude. Tripped over a Welshman I suppose. Or slipped on a frozen slab of Gavin Henson's gel.

Anyone see yesterday's match? Scotland and England. An interesting Haka\Dance\Death\Flame thingy at the beginning, watching some of the Scottish tackles, you'd be forgiven if you'd thought you'd just tuned into some sortof wrestling match. Bloody hell. The English were flying.
Also, I want one of those funny robot things. I want it to play the Famous Grouse theme tune as it falls off cliffs.

Anyhoo. That's pretty much all I have to say on rugby, spliffs and satanic bingo for now.

The Biscuit Tin... Hm, an interesting name for a blog.

There goes Ireland again. I think there's going to be alot of beer sold when Ireland win.
Victory beer in Ireland and Welsh drowning their sorrows. In err. Wales.

Perhaps if we layed mines on the pitch.. We could blow up the opposition?


The stadium again fell quiet, the ball flew once again through that bloody H shaped goal.
Giving Ireland. Another 3 Points.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Fondue Fountain

Yesterday was Jonny and Elliot's Double Birthday Death Duel. They both died.
No, joking, Elliot died. He got shot by Jonny's new arrows.*

Anyway, between shouting, falling over on slippery floors, throwing random objects at people and eating chips, I was able to stare and eat from the Fondue Fountain, yum.
Mm, by the end of the night we were drinking from the fountain, drinking fondue is an interesting experiance. I never thought I'd ever come to a point where I couldn't eat more choccy. But there it was.
That evil fountain was laughing at me, when I wasn't drinking from it, it was calling me...
Trying to make me "more fat".
But the choccy was good. So there we go..

Also, a warning for anyone visiting Jonny's house, you'll be watched by a top of the range CCTV camera.. Even in the dark... And if seen, you'll have 11 arrows piercing your face.

*Elliot isn't really dead.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Burn Down the Skoole!

Well, Arson has always been an interesting crime...

Bev has just informed me - With magic text, that our skoole was set on fire - the PE department.
Now. Doesn't that tell you what pupils think of PE? I wish I'd started the fire myself.
Well, the skoole has suffered many misfortunes, such as the flood. Now, our little skoole spends too much money on crap that isn't used - Like teachers. Which would explain the leaks in the gym, causing my to slip and rip half my shoulder off on a bloody brick wall.
As much as I would love this to be the end of PE.. It probably isn't - We'll probably have to do PE outside. In the cold. Shit.

But there we are.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My New Project

Well, not many know of my latest project and I probably seem very weird asking where I could aget a fox suit. So I shall explain.

Studio8's latest project is entering the FireFox Flicks Ad Contest.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to find a fox suit\costume or anything fox related.

Also, we were thinking of advertising firefox by it's features..
Now a quote from the Creative Brief:
Ad should function more at brand level than at product features/benefits level.
So, our main idea, is possibly not what they are looking for.
Luckily, we can enter more than one ad.

That's if our camera gets repaired and we finish debating all the ideas..

For Now.
Get Firefox!

Get FireFox. It eats IE for brekky.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Bored? Have A Math Question

This was a sig for my last post.
But I got bored.

If a Terry's Chocolate Ornage is travelling at 36.5mph and a Titanium Squirrel from Sweden is jumping from a height of 88m, how far will the Titanium Squirrel fall before it catches the Ornage?

Highlight for Answer:

The Squirrell wouldn't have caught the Ornage. The Ornage was being thrown from Hawaii, it would have melted before it reached Sweden. Plus the Titanium Squirrel was commiting suicide and would not have been ready to catch a full sized Chocolate Ball.


Well overpricing has become. Overpriced...

Being British, I think I've earned my rights to moan over little things.. Like 40p
The constant lateness of public transport, the lack of respect for anything in schools, the neverending testing just to check I can find out the angle of my house if the wind is blowing 25mph east and I built my house on unapproved tarmac... And that I can write essays and stories even though I don't want to become a writer, also, I need to learn the electric configuration of atoms, in case I find myself in the position where I suddenly need to run a Nuclear Plant.

But there we are.


Those evil people who own Odeon (Terra Firma - A money-thirsty, power-hungry private equity firm who bought Odeon and UCI for more than £250m) have bumped the prices up from £3.70 to £4.10. Why? Perhaps they need more money to build some extra letters outside?

The chippy has put up the prices of the yummy chips by 25p. What's this? Fat tax? Chips make people fat? No. People who eat chips every ten minutes make themselves fat.
I want a small chips for £1. But no. It's £1.05
Large chips? £1.45

Not good.

The bus people?
No. They have taken two years of cheapness away. You could get an Under 18 and travel everywhere for £1.90 now it's an Under 16. Next year I'll have to pay lots. Yea.
You wonder why people get cars.






It's another Monday, lucky for most, it's half term.
Having only been awake for about ten minutes nothing much has happened today. Apart from my bloody CPU fan, the low speed alarm won't stop going off.. Fortunately there is a mute button on my nice new keyboard..

So, with only 6 and a half days of freedom left before I return to the same tedious routine that is skoole, I should readlly stop getting up at 1:30 =P and start finishing what needs doing... Like that bloody english essay, woo! The Red Room.. Or whatever..

One day.. Mr decorator man went to paint a room... He painted it green. The owner said NO! I want it red. So she killed the decorator and painted the room with his blood... The End.

Now there's a story.
Perhaps I should publish it..

And I still need to find a fox costume for my advert =P
And finish the advert itself.. Even though the Studio needs re-setting up and my camera is in repair.. (It was in some heavy rain... And the camera people wanted £222.07 to fix it. So my grampy is taking a look at it for me)

We were in town the other day - As you find yourself in the half-term.. Or on most Saturdays..
There is a building for sale and we want it for a Studio.. So feel free to donate money to the:
"Studio8 needs an actual building" fund using the paypal link somewhere on this blog.. Unless I screwed up the code...
Also, AAAAAAAAAAAHH to the people who burst the fucking egg stinkbomb on the bus.. We had to wait by some bloody clinic for an hour to catch the next bus.
But, it wasn't all bad.

Jonny decided to gice me a tour of his garden\field yesterday, at about 9pm =P
It was cool, we walked through the mini-orchard, where Jonny decided it would be a good time to tell me someone died there. Great.
Some highlights were almost getting electrocuted by some 'lectric fence and a bloody pylon and the fact I know most of Jonny's escape plans.
I ended up on top of his half built garage staring around in the twilight, occasionally getting hit by Jonny and his make-shift sword.. A piece of wood.

Things to do.
People to kill.
Places to hide.

Don't eat explosives. They taste shit.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I got a new wireless keyboard thing so I thought I would randomly blog from my sofa.

Hmm, what to blog?
For those going Skiing, go, break your legs, the French won't help.
Tell you what, half an hour to go - Have a quik French lesson:

Fuck off - Va Te Faire Foutre
Bitch - Salope
Arse - Cul
Shit - Merde
Help Me - Aidez-Moi!
My leg has fallen off - Ma Jambe a Tombé

I recommend shouting AVALANCHE! on the slope.
Anyhoo, I hope you all have fun. Now. I must go. Pretend to ski.

Les boules de neige géantes me chassent, encore..

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Message Home?

Aloha Earth People,
Ever since I crash landed here, I have been searching for ways to ask for help from Home.
Well. I have found it.

This blog, is now being transmitted through space...
It will reach other stars and planets.. Perhaps even other races.. Kinda screwed though.. They ain't gona be able to read English are they..

I'll probably put them off ever coming to Earth. But oh well.

Aloha Space People.
Feel free to visit, as long as you are cool and whatever.
Please, err. If you're into mutilation and medical testing.. We're not really up for invasion.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kinda pissed off..

Well, after finishing my amazing 21 page epic English coursework, on possibly the most tedious tasks ever - Henry V (Shake-a-speer)

It isn't as bad as I make out. It's seven paragraphs. But it's still a pain in the ass.

Seeing as I'm updating, I'll give this weeks "maths lowdown"
Let's see how boring I can make this..

Hmm, Our math teacher really is demented. She told us she saw a pig fly past the window. Desperately I tried to find it, but I couldn't see it. Therefore. She must be dillusional, or I can't see them. Abit like how no-one can see the radiation titanium squirrels give off. But whatever.
Oh yea, and she is an stupid, evil, biatch. Making me attempt some question, when I'm obviously half-baked by the sauna that is the maths classroom, practically falling off my chair in stunned boredom and sheer tired.. ness, finally getting to me that I "need" to answer the question because "I have all the answers today" - I spend around 5minutes staring at the board, muttering an array of numbers, sin, cos and other related bollocks and then I decide to give up - Then she starts complaining and giving a speech on how "It's not nice.."

To be honest. I don't give a flying fuck.

Also. I'd like to know what or who "it" is, If he ain't nice. I need to avoid him\her.. It?

I'm bored by the amount of political crap that is broadcasted on my tv, no-one cares who or what runs the country, anymore, systems don't work and people don't vote when they need to be "re-established" "re-started" "re-structured" "re-decorated" or whatever.

I have much more to say.
I often do.
But, It's for another time. I'm tired.

Titanium squirrels, are actually made of titanium. Not silver. Yea, I know. Some people still make that mistake.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Compulsive IT

Woo! Compulsory IT, with our monkey-like teacher.. So much fun..
O look, a gun..

Luckily Bev'z iPod is here.. Saving me.
We are commenting on Bev's blog - defeating the bastard spammers.

*Bev is shaking her arms, or whatever*

Well done to Chris ;) Who just pissed off Sir - Printing about 50 odd test prints.

I have nothing of importance to say. Oo, wait =) My coursework is ready.
Now I'm done.


Edit: Still trying to get some stills of the Chinese Thing.. Have 'em up soon..

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Chinese New Year

I'm still posting. For now.
I've just come back from a Chinese New Year celebration. It's been pretty awesome.
I'll post some pictures up soon - I just realized I have to reinstall Hello.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Barry Scott. Cillit Bang.

I just have to insult that bloody Barry Scott.
He jumps onto shot and seems to have no acting ability possible - it also appears he has lost the ability to control the volume of his voice..

"HI! I'M BARRY SCOTT! AND THIS (Shitty bottle of Cillit Boom) IS CILLIT BANG!
"AND THIS (Poor, lonely defenceless woman) IS JANE!

(Low, squeeky voice..) "Hi Barry..."


(Jane. Standing up to Barry)"YOU LOVE THAT DON'T YOU BARRY?!"

Also. Seen Jane's bath? It's bloody stinking. It's BLACK. Luckily creepy Barry has Cillit Bang.


Sorry. Pointless Rant Over.
Eat Me.

Friday, February 03, 2006

If Guiness Did Break Ins...

A few people thought a good idea would be to hide in a locked classroom and suprise the teacher when she came in, I thought that was a funny idea.. On reflection.. No.. It still is.

So, I entered the room through the back window, hid for about 10mins and pretended to be locked in. Pretending to be helpless. Or whatever people do when they are locked in a room.

The teacher unlocked the door, saw me and stared with utter bemusement. Somehow. I got into a locked room. I claimed she locked me in.
Unfortunately said teacher was having a meeting with my head of year, who was already not happy with my behaviour. She came in also. Not good.
I was asked if I was in the room when she locked the door..
Well, perhaps not the exact time of the door being locked... Perhaps I entered through.. A window?

Long story short. I won't be here next Wednesday until about 4:45ish...
If that aint clear cut. Tis an afterschool.. For "Climbing through the window of a locked room - Consern for my safety."

So.. Won't do that again.
At least. Not in that room.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My Place of Work and Assorted Crap.

Well, today I shall talk about my job..
Seeing as I used to work there alot and now I'm back there...

Me and Bev attempted to get a job in this restaurant, but they said come back at 15. So I did.
I had to go in on my birthday (weirdly the same day as the manager's) and practice carrying plates and go over the rules and.. stuff.

So, every week, at 7, I had to go work. Scary.. Work..
I serve food and stuff. I try not to spill food over people. I hit people with plates.
Well, it's better than a paper round... £5 an hour - I'm not complaning...

It payed for my PC upgrades that me and my grampa fitted - and they work.
I'm typing this on a shitty old keyboard and reading my amazing words of death on a nice 19" TFT screen. =P

I should actually be typing my science coursework out now.. But I got bored and thought I would mention me again.. And my amazing stress - also this is more interesting than the "Conductivity on an Ionic Compound" Well. Maybe.

So, it's a cool place to work - the people are nice, they give me money.
Before New Year, it was alot of work.. about 17hours a week... Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night and Sunday morning.. Sometimes Sunday night too.. I don't work there much now.. But there we are.

That shitty 123 advert is on again. Bastards.
La la la la laaa, everything will be alright.. The Killers..

Hmm, err, work, yes. It's busy..
I begin by serving soup bowls, yes. Bowls. Empty bowls. I learnt quickly not to carry too many.. I left the kitchen carrying more than I probably should have, and instantanelously began to feel a hot, fire sensation on my chest, so I started giving the bowls out quicker.. Some people like to rest their arms where their bowl should be, so I have to put on a happy, smiley face and kindly ask them to move, increasing my voice as they try to ignore the evil waiter of death.
Right before I melt into a bubbling blob of formal clothing and soup bowls they realize I am there and move. Ha. Then they eat the soop. Yum yum.

I then go to the CO2 room. Very refreshing coolness.


J'ai Retourner!

Well, it's been a while.
Aloha, I'm back. For more.
It was pointless closing my blog, now people have died of boredom. Haha.

Anyway, alot has been missed by the reading public here.
Since I closed my blog, alot has happened.
Like.. I got employed and I have money. Hehe.
Or that my film was broadcast on BBC2.. but I missed it.
Or that I nearly died today.

But that's all to be explained?