My Realm of Babbling

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Sunday, February 26, 2006


Well, I have discovered something about our dear welsh polictical party. Plaid Cymru. Party of Wales.

Well. Party of Wales. Have changed their name to Plaid. Party. So. Wales isn't invited to the party?
So, there we go. A Welsh political thing, dropping Wales from their name. And their Welsh dragon, Welsh mountain logo.

So here is the new, reformed, non-welsh logo:

Hold on? Where have I seen that?

Oh yes. The oil industry giant bp:

Now. I think there must be some sort of conspiracy. Perhaps bp has payed "Party" to, univite Wales from the Partay. Hmm, perhaps they will form another political party. bpPlaid?

Yes. Convincing evidence.
bpPlaid. Vote for us. Or we will drown you in Petrol.

Vote bpPlaid. I mean. Sam.


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