My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Public Transport Related Warning.

A story you may or may not have seen in the news recently may have disturbed your public transporting abilities.

This story involves the mainly unknown fact that buses actually time travel to piss commuters off. The bus makes us late or too early and makes sure we sit next to a weird hobo, drunkard or mafia member.
The sheer time-travel speed is so fast, it is completely un-noticed by regular bus-go-ers, unless you reverse your seating position, the time travel then becomes obvious as we see the stars, flames and "Whoosh" marks.

The danger is that the bus can crash 100 times in a second and then end up in another country as the GPS crap NEVER works. Also, many bus drivers are not qualified to travel through space and collected their liscense from Kellogs cereal packets.

Mr Blooblah, when questioned about his time travelling said:
"Wooooh, the stars are so pretty and distracting, then we were like, so screwed, yeh, crashing derby, like."

Reserch shows sitting backwards on a bus is not just cool, it can make you look younger but can distort the mind.
My friend Hayley was meditating at the time, this, combined with the bus's time travel and our sitting backwards caused Hayley to see interesting images, a reconstruction shown below:

Above we can see the distrubing colour changes of the road and sky.*

When asked how she was feeling Hayley was transfixed at the road:
"Whoa! The road! It's trippin man"

So. Remember this next time you find yourself bus-ing.

I own Trafalgar Square. Thanks McDonalds!

*Please note, the wheels do not move, nor does the bus yet there are "Woosh" marks** in an attempt to make the bus look cool and swooshy. Also, we cannot see through the windows.

Why is this?
I'll tell you why.

I'm a lazy animator.

**Which actually denote the time-travelling, as I couldn't draw funky blue rings around the bus.


  • At Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:17:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    like totally Whoaaaa! dude, you should have seen the colours on the road man, it was crazy,

    cool n crazy, time travel experts know that sitting BACKWARDS is the ONLY way FORWARD.

    haha. Sam and I are great time travellers, rich in knowledge and with a great philosophy on life, even tho it sounds like something a stoner would say.



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