My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My New Project

Well, not many know of my latest project and I probably seem very weird asking where I could aget a fox suit. So I shall explain.

Studio8's latest project is entering the FireFox Flicks Ad Contest.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to find a fox suit\costume or anything fox related.

Also, we were thinking of advertising firefox by it's features..
Now a quote from the Creative Brief:
Ad should function more at brand level than at product features/benefits level.
So, our main idea, is possibly not what they are looking for.
Luckily, we can enter more than one ad.

That's if our camera gets repaired and we finish debating all the ideas..

For Now.
Get Firefox!

Get FireFox. It eats IE for brekky.


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