My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Bored? Have A Math Question

This was a sig for my last post.
But I got bored.

If a Terry's Chocolate Ornage is travelling at 36.5mph and a Titanium Squirrel from Sweden is jumping from a height of 88m, how far will the Titanium Squirrel fall before it catches the Ornage?

Highlight for Answer:

The Squirrell wouldn't have caught the Ornage. The Ornage was being thrown from Hawaii, it would have melted before it reached Sweden. Plus the Titanium Squirrel was commiting suicide and would not have been ready to catch a full sized Chocolate Ball.


  • At Monday, February 20, 2006 10:02:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sam = my confusin cousin

  • At Monday, February 20, 2006 10:51:00 pm, Blogger DairyMilkDevil said…

    Well, I'm now Award Winning.

    Ornage was supposed to be spelt wrong. By the way. I like Ornage better then Orange.

    Why would a Titanium Squirrell jump 88m?
    He was commiting sucide. Titanium is heavy.
    The Squirrell could just be coated in thin Titanium..

    Plus, I haven't hit the refresh button, I've been asking people to read it. I'm to lazt to press the refresh button. It's probably you.

    Word verification stops the bastard spammers who keep commenting on blogs with useful information about viagra, working from home and other such crap.

    You'd think seeing as this is my blog I wouldn't have to use word verification. But I do. Doesn't that suck?

    Thanks for Reading

  • At Monday, February 20, 2006 10:57:00 pm, Blogger DairyMilkDevil said…

    Just so you know.
    There has been 28 visits today.

    Around 77% of visits are from the UK.
    15% from the USA.
    The remaining visits come from European countries such as Spain and France.
    We sometimes get visits from countries in Asia, such as Japan.

    Also, 1.03% is from Unknown...


  • At Monday, February 20, 2006 11:25:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lmao good maths question, i think if you were my maths teacher id actually like the subject :P al*

  • At Monday, February 20, 2006 11:25:00 pm, Blogger DairyMilkDevil said…

    Hey Al,
    Perhaps I should post more..



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