My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, February 20, 2006


It's another Monday, lucky for most, it's half term.
Having only been awake for about ten minutes nothing much has happened today. Apart from my bloody CPU fan, the low speed alarm won't stop going off.. Fortunately there is a mute button on my nice new keyboard..

So, with only 6 and a half days of freedom left before I return to the same tedious routine that is skoole, I should readlly stop getting up at 1:30 =P and start finishing what needs doing... Like that bloody english essay, woo! The Red Room.. Or whatever..

One day.. Mr decorator man went to paint a room... He painted it green. The owner said NO! I want it red. So she killed the decorator and painted the room with his blood... The End.

Now there's a story.
Perhaps I should publish it..

And I still need to find a fox costume for my advert =P
And finish the advert itself.. Even though the Studio needs re-setting up and my camera is in repair.. (It was in some heavy rain... And the camera people wanted £222.07 to fix it. So my grampy is taking a look at it for me)

We were in town the other day - As you find yourself in the half-term.. Or on most Saturdays..
There is a building for sale and we want it for a Studio.. So feel free to donate money to the:
"Studio8 needs an actual building" fund using the paypal link somewhere on this blog.. Unless I screwed up the code...
Also, AAAAAAAAAAAHH to the people who burst the fucking egg stinkbomb on the bus.. We had to wait by some bloody clinic for an hour to catch the next bus.
But, it wasn't all bad.

Jonny decided to gice me a tour of his garden\field yesterday, at about 9pm =P
It was cool, we walked through the mini-orchard, where Jonny decided it would be a good time to tell me someone died there. Great.
Some highlights were almost getting electrocuted by some 'lectric fence and a bloody pylon and the fact I know most of Jonny's escape plans.
I ended up on top of his half built garage staring around in the twilight, occasionally getting hit by Jonny and his make-shift sword.. A piece of wood.

Things to do.
People to kill.
Places to hide.

Don't eat explosives. They taste shit.


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