My Realm of Babbling

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Friday, May 19, 2006

I argue with electric equipment.

I thought it was worth sharing with the world than on the 19th May 2006 - 1:45am...
Me... and my printer... had a small argument.

For some reason it decided to begin printing some work I was doing.
As if the noise of the printer wasn't enough to tell me it was about to print, the computer had the audacity to shout:

"Printing Started."

And as the paper was ejected onto the floor, scrunched up and thrown somewhere.

"Printing Complete"

In a happy, little sarcastic voice. Deep down, I KNOW it did that on purpose, I'm tired and it's playing with my mind... Just like the (was just about to say the "f word" again) stupid, pointless, shoddily coded dictionaries in Microsoft Word, which CANNOT tell the difference between English and Francais - because Je and I - are SO similar.

Anyway. I really need to sleep.
It's 1:48. It's Friday.


Also. Just so you know, the blog is likely to be moving soon.
I'll keep you posted.


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