My Realm of Babbling

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Burn Down the Skoole!

Well, Arson has always been an interesting crime...

Bev has just informed me - With magic text, that our skoole was set on fire - the PE department.
Now. Doesn't that tell you what pupils think of PE? I wish I'd started the fire myself.
Well, the skoole has suffered many misfortunes, such as the flood. Now, our little skoole spends too much money on crap that isn't used - Like teachers. Which would explain the leaks in the gym, causing my to slip and rip half my shoulder off on a bloody brick wall.
As much as I would love this to be the end of PE.. It probably isn't - We'll probably have to do PE outside. In the cold. Shit.

But there we are.
