My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Crippled Panic.

A few days ago, I was out "avec mes amis" and managed to get a rock thrown at my ankle...
Was quite funny, it was one of those "I'm ok!" moments... But then the crippleyness "kicked in", so to speak...

So, for the past two days I have been hopping around like some old dude, I'm just expecting to fall down the stairs and die... I think this is Karma taking revenge on Bev's knee =P

Anyhoo, it's ONLY JUST hit me that my exams are less than 11days away. I'm sure someone will correct me sometime or other and cause more anguish.

So, I have my french oral, except I haven't written or prepared for it. I'm so screwed.

Enter the Panic.
Welcome to the life of a GCSE Student.

Don't Panic!
We're all screwed.
See you at the Bridge

What the fuck? Why are the "@ swapped round? STUPID FIREFOX UPDATE.


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