My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well, it's been awhile.. Again.
I do actually have a reason this time though, exams are fast approaching and it seems Microsoft likes to take the fucking piss. Every time I turn on the PC, I get messages about my exams from my calendar thingy.

Ohh, haha look. THERE IS ONE NOW.
Ha, four days, ooh yay, joy!

Moving on. Microsoft Word, bloody hell, I'm typing french, it's obvious, but NOO, IT BEGINS MARKING IT IN ENGLISH? WHY? WHY WHY WHY?! DAMMIT BILL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!


So, exams, coming up this week. Got about 4 days left to well, learn everything from the last five years AGAIN.

Worst fears? French and English.
French Oral exam on day one, I'm so gona fail, no preperation done yet.
But sod it all.

Tried winning the lotto the other day, got some numbers and my dad played the new "Monday" lottery - I thought well, it's first draw is on May 8th, I kinda have to play, it's like, fate.

However, they drew after midnight. Tuesday. Therefore destroying the whole point of their name and scheme and also my chance at winning lots of money.

Went to town last week, twas well funkay, we began with our hunt for Barcalys, which took us to one of the busy streets, I thought our painful searching had gone on long enough as we had found every other branch of bank in the town. Completing my mental "Bank Bingo" card.

So, as we walked up this street, I screamed
"Where the hell is Barclays?"
"WE ARE LOST! Someone tell me where Barclays is!"

And due to the amazing luck of me, someone shouted where it was, I shouted "Thank You" and moved to Barclays.

Now, last time I was in a bank, I was almsot removed by security, I was making stabbing motions to one of the cashiers... with a pen... while my couzin was withdrawing money.
I also jokingly told her that we were robbing the bank.

I left.

So, I took my seat and tried not to cause any disturbance to the kind people that told us where Barclays was.

Later, we found a weird event going on, someone had set up a catwalk in the centre of the town and had begun taking pictures of anyone who walked on the red carpet catwalk.
So, while someone was having their picture taken, I dived onto the carpet and began stroking it.
I also found myself having my crap photo taken "avec mes amis"... I'll post them when I get info.

I also saw my boss in TopMan, upstairs, with the girl stuff.
Which, you know, isn't bad. Unfortunately, I was wearing a Beret and kinda dancing around or something...

So, I thought "What's the best thing to say to your boss right now? Seeing as you're standing next to shelves of girl stuff, such as underwear?"
So, I made the connection between the Beret and having to speak, so I shouted "Bonjour!"

*Slaps forehead.*

I'm so fired.

Meh. That's pretty much it, as I've lost the rest of my blognotes in the apoclyptic mess that is my universe.

Must go. Must pretend to revise.

Today's Mood: Slight Panic.
Listening To: Snow - RHCP


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