My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Shut Up! Oi! Don't Kick Me You Fool!"

Well, I may or may not have mentioned this little event before but I don't care, It's like the TV Channels that show the same show over and over and you don't even notice.

I think I have an issue with authority, yes, yes I do.
Why should we be stepped on by people just because we are smaller and younger?
We fight for rights, yet our own are taken away from us?
Just because I'm 5'4" doesn't mean I should have to listen to you. Don't I have the right to sit on a bus without being verbally attacked by a forty year old stuck up bitch?

I don't think so.

Judging by the fact you might have read that paragraph twice in an attempt to understand WTF I am saying you don't know the story, so gather round, I hope you're comfortable...

The bus trundled along as usual, almost exploding, you'd think it was a very old bus, perhaps one that was saved from the scrapheap by some stupid "Save the Bus" group...
The amazing Sam (That's me, by the way) and his friend Jonny (That'll be Jonny) sat on the "Oh so fun" trip to school, which involved many stops, such as this one (Bus comes to grinding hault.)

*A tall woman, with trashed up hair steps onto the bus*
Moving out of story mode, this is what we call a "stuck up bitch", she thinks she is higher than everyone else, which kind of defeats the idea of rights and equality?

Personally, I've NEVER liked this woman, but I have had no reason to make that obvious, in the past 4 years or so of travelling on the school bus, I've had no reason to even talk to her. That changed a few weeks ago.

A little girl was sitting on the steps of the bus, PERFECTLY CONTENT with her positioning on the bus, sitting on her little coat, which was probably more comfortable than the crappy plastic bus seats anyway, but no, the earlier reffered to bitch, who has NO CONNECTION with this little girl begins to ramble about how she should have a seat.

I soon realized that she was referring to me, it was "Disgusting" how the girl had to sit on the steps. Ok, I was fine with this, she can moan all she likes, I'll just ignore her.

"It's disgusting.
They've obviouslly been dragged up through life."

You don't even know me! You don't know who I am! Yet you have the audacity to stand there and insult me, my friend and how I've been brought up?

"Shut Up."
C'mon now. It had to be said. I have the right to be able to sit on a bus and not be harrassed by someone I do not know.

"Excuse Me?"
Obviouslly, it seems I'm the first person to ever stand up to her. Surprisingly.

"I said Shut Up."
I then offered the girl my seat, just as I thought, she didn't even want it. This was pointless.
I then tried to ignore the woman, but no, she provoked the situation.
An argument ensued, one which, to be honest, I enjoyed, and won.

"I bet your mother is proud of you"
"Yes. She is."
I think.

She walked away, I left the situation as it was. I wasn't going to provoke it.
The bus stopped outside the school and as I was walking off she kicked me, in some sort of childish attempt to trip me up or whatever.

"Watch you don't trip"
"*Insert some words from either party here.*"

So, I've never even talked to this woman before, I tell her to Shut Up, I give some comments and she then kicks me, grow up you stupid bitch.

The funny thing is, she avoided coming on the bus everyday until the end of term.
I saw her the other day too, I was walking down the road with a friend, I hadn't seen her for a few weeks, I thought she would have let the situation go, but no, she begins mumbling explicits.

She's reported me to the school and bus company, personally I couldn't care less.



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