My Realm of Babbling

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Friday, May 19, 2006

It floats, at high speed and stuff.

I thought I would introduce another fancy widget type thing to the blog, ZoomCloud, I thought it looked kinda cool and it updates by itself, and well, anything that needs no work from me is a godsend.

Because I'm lazy. (And yes. I know the CSS is screwed up. But I don't care.)

Looking at it, I think I swear to much, look how big the "f word" is there...
C'est massive mes amis, I think I have issues with swearing, maybe I need some sort of therapy. Electric shock treatment? Nah.. Sounds too fun.

Perhaps I should update any of you who still read on the latest happenings at the school, in my life and such instead...

"FYI" I write what topics I need to moan\assault\mention\destory\ramble about on little pieces of paper, as I'm an idiot, I write them on lots of little pieces of paper, which like to float away when I sneeze, or move, or when a fly zooms past.
So, my thoughts are easily lost, which is a "real shame" as I have lots of interesting things to say. Like random french phrases: "Je suis un biscuit dans l'elavator".

Moving off or on? Who knows. The paper is gone, my room is a mess, but don't fear, I'll find them while tidying my room, which is like time travel, or archeology, just without the digging further and further, closer and closer to the Earth's core.

Anyway. Recent happenings?
Mainly exams.

It all kicked off on a wonderfully *insert weather here* day, where I almost (once again) broke my trusty IKEA alarm clock at 7:30.
(For those who don't know me well, I am not designed to wake up before 10am.)
So, I had a shower and set off to the bus stop to go to Starbucks with 2 Un-named Friends (Names held back for legal purposes).

A few hours and £3.10 later, friend one, who we shall call, erm Bev B..
Got some cruddy text messages from a jealous friend that wished death by muffin upon us - which is quite illogical, as it's highly unlikely for three people to be able to choke on a singular muffin. But that's not the point, around now, I'd tell you what the point is, but I've forgotten.

So, the oral exam.
It went relatively ok... But I sounded utterly retarded.
"Mais... tres... vais..." And other such words that rhyme in French.
I stopped twice. Mainly to mumble and want to die.

I think I also asked "Are you Cinema?" instead of "Do you want to go to the Cinema?"

So easy to mix up.

Well, as much as I'd love to ramble on and on, some of you have lives and will need to go eat\drink\pretend to do something else than read this blog.

Plus, I think I need some sleep, I have a Geography Exam in less than 8hours.
Which I haven't really revised for either.

So, let's see how this post changes my wonderful CSS-illiterate ZoomCloud.

Merci pour li mes amis.

The cloud has done sod-all. Thanks ZoomCloud. Precious Minutes Wasted.
This is the world's attempt at quashing my dreams, aspirations and such.


  • At Friday, June 15, 2007 10:28:00 pm, Blogger Will Dwinnell said…

    So, the oral exam.
    It went relatively ok... But I sounded utterly retarded.
    "Mais... tres... vais..." And other such words that rhyme in French.
    I stopped twice. Mainly to mumble and want to die.

    I think I also asked "Are you Cinema?" instead of "Do you want to go to the Cinema?"

    So easy to mix up.

    Don't worry: It's only a matter of time before French becomes a thing of the past. The way I figure, there will eventually only be about 5 or 6 languages spoken or written. Besides English (of course), I'd say that Chinese and Spanish stand the best chance of lasting.


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