My Realm of Babbling

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Friday, February 03, 2006

If Guiness Did Break Ins...

A few people thought a good idea would be to hide in a locked classroom and suprise the teacher when she came in, I thought that was a funny idea.. On reflection.. No.. It still is.

So, I entered the room through the back window, hid for about 10mins and pretended to be locked in. Pretending to be helpless. Or whatever people do when they are locked in a room.

The teacher unlocked the door, saw me and stared with utter bemusement. Somehow. I got into a locked room. I claimed she locked me in.
Unfortunately said teacher was having a meeting with my head of year, who was already not happy with my behaviour. She came in also. Not good.
I was asked if I was in the room when she locked the door..
Well, perhaps not the exact time of the door being locked... Perhaps I entered through.. A window?

Long story short. I won't be here next Wednesday until about 4:45ish...
If that aint clear cut. Tis an afterschool.. For "Climbing through the window of a locked room - Consern for my safety."

So.. Won't do that again.
At least. Not in that room.



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