My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Kinda pissed off..

Well, after finishing my amazing 21 page epic English coursework, on possibly the most tedious tasks ever - Henry V (Shake-a-speer)

It isn't as bad as I make out. It's seven paragraphs. But it's still a pain in the ass.

Seeing as I'm updating, I'll give this weeks "maths lowdown"
Let's see how boring I can make this..

Hmm, Our math teacher really is demented. She told us she saw a pig fly past the window. Desperately I tried to find it, but I couldn't see it. Therefore. She must be dillusional, or I can't see them. Abit like how no-one can see the radiation titanium squirrels give off. But whatever.
Oh yea, and she is an stupid, evil, biatch. Making me attempt some question, when I'm obviously half-baked by the sauna that is the maths classroom, practically falling off my chair in stunned boredom and sheer tired.. ness, finally getting to me that I "need" to answer the question because "I have all the answers today" - I spend around 5minutes staring at the board, muttering an array of numbers, sin, cos and other related bollocks and then I decide to give up - Then she starts complaining and giving a speech on how "It's not nice.."

To be honest. I don't give a flying fuck.

Also. I'd like to know what or who "it" is, If he ain't nice. I need to avoid him\her.. It?

I'm bored by the amount of political crap that is broadcasted on my tv, no-one cares who or what runs the country, anymore, systems don't work and people don't vote when they need to be "re-established" "re-started" "re-structured" "re-decorated" or whatever.

I have much more to say.
I often do.
But, It's for another time. I'm tired.

Titanium squirrels, are actually made of titanium. Not silver. Yea, I know. Some people still make that mistake.


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