My Realm of Babbling

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 11 of 16: A Trip to the Hospital.

The hospital is never good news, I suppose that is why we are there in the first place.
Things never usually get better without getting worse, so, today was a first; since my birth, I've never needed to enter a hospital for my own personal crap, but today it was time to recieve my own bit of "half-bad" news.

My GP reffered me to dermatology, because my now "not so ugly" face (Which, I actually am beginning to feel happy with, hence the pics of me appearing... So Year 7's can go fuck themselves, perhaps their balls will drop and they will get spots, I suppose until then, they will shout the brand names of shitty "Over the counter" face cleansers, such as "Clearasil" which DOES NOT WORK.) will not fix itself.

So, today was my visit to Dermatology, to see a Dermatologist, which I can now pronounce.
She gave me a few options, carry on with my current treatment or begin an "Isotretinoin" treatment, which is like Industrial Strengh Antibiotics, which (I learnt this today. I'm not a freekin doctor) doesn't actually attack the spots, it attacks the fucking glands in the skin and makes them stop working, so far so good, finally a treatment that sounds like it CAN do something.

"But there are side effects."

I'm worried now. I've just read over the "common side-affects":
Dryness of the skin.
Mild itching and peeling.
Dry throat.
Fragile and redder skin. (Will require use of vaseline and moisturiser)
Dry, irritated eyes. (May require eye drops - I FUCKING HATE EYE DROPS)
Muscle aches and pains, sore tendons. (Especially if you take "vigorous exercise" - That's me safe then.)
Arthritic Pain. (Jesus Christ? I'm gona seem fucking 80)
Hair loss or hair increase.
Possible mood changes. (Such as depression or mental disorders.)

Oh yes and finally. " rare cases suicide and attempts of suicide..."

I really want this shit now. Oh and of course the RARE side-effects include, headaches, sickness, tiredness, sweating, slight loss of hearing, changes of vision, liver disease, seizures, infections, internal inflammation, nail changes, increased facial pigmentation, swollen glands, inflamed blood vessels, diabetes, changes of blood sugar (Likely if you are asthmatic [Moi])
Increase of uric acid in the blood, which can damage the kidneys.
Cell clotting can be affected.
White blood cells may reduce in number.

High doses can cause bone changes.

They also want my blood. I reckon, they will take my blood and find something terrible.

Anyway, on the bus home from town with my time-travel partner Hayley and fellow bus people Rhi, Jamie, Dan and Ben. We talked about my drugs and drugs in general and halluncinations of cheese-graters and people turning into food and such. The usual convo's.
We came to the conclusion, that I will make an advert for the drugs. It will be made.


Today's Mood: Scared and lost yet happy.
Listening To: Time is Running Out - Muse (Abit Ironic.)
Message?: AAAAAAH.


  • At Thursday, April 27, 2006 11:36:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    my advice to you sam, do not take on this course of medication, trust me im a st johns cadet (H) it seems as if its too big a risk, carry on with wa you got or ask for a second opinion/route of action




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