My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Sloganization. Now Everything Is A Slogan.

I love this page:

generated by

This will probably automatically sign my blog from now on?
Not sure yet. Let's try it.

generated by

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Phone Just Rung...

Jonny just called...

Sam: Hello?
Jonny: Sam, do you know how to cook?
Sam: Why, what are you doing?
Jonny: I have a recipe for lemonade and I have to make a syrup...
Sam: With what?
Jonny: Sugar and water...
Sam: How much?
Jonny: 2 cups of sugar and 4 cups of water, but that's an american measurement, so I measured it out, it's 11 tablespoons.
Sam: So, do you mix it?
Jonny: No, it's in the pan, but nothing is happening...
Sam: Jonny... Is the hob on?
Jonny: Yes
Sam: Are you sure?
Jonny: Yes
Sam: Have you stirred it?
Jonny: No, I'm on the phone...
Sam: Did you say 11 tablespoons?
Jonny: Yes
Sam: Are you sure it's not teaspoons Jonny?
Jonny: Yes I measure it.
Sam: I thought you had a cup measure.
Jonny: I do, but I measured it anyway.
Sam: Me and you are going to be the only people who will like this lemonade.
Jonny: Edd liked it.
Sam: Is he there?
Jonny: No.
Sam: Did he try your lemonade?
Jonny: No. It was packet lemonade...
Sam: Yes, but there is a difference between your lemonade and the normal lemonade.
Did you use level tablespoons.
Jonny: No, they were heaped. I smell burning.

Keeping my eye out for the fire and street smelling of Lemonade.

Jonny's Funeral.

Today, we will be talking about Jonny and his funeral plans.
Worrying, funeral plans...

Jonny: When I die, I want to be attached to my surfboard and sent off the beach...
Sam: On the surfboard? Seriously?
Jonny: Yes
Sam: But the wind might blow you onto another beach... I can imagine it now...
Young children building sandcastles, the waves come in, and a pale, dead body sweeps over their hard work...

(After A While)

Sam: We could add a voicebox, so when you get pushed back to shore, you could talk...
It would be fun if you were buried, you could have buttons on your grave.
Jonny: I could have strings attached to my mouth, to make me talk.
Sam: You could press a button, and you'll be like "Hello. I am dead, thanks for visiting"
There could be another button, the do not press button...
Jonny: And they press it, and fall into a deep hole next to me.
Sam: You know bodies decompose, well you could have a moving body...
After a few decades, when someone lands in the hole, you could move your head to say "Hello", but your head will fly off and hit them in the face...

Yes. Well. Keep yours eyes peeled for a dead man attached to his surfboard, thew grave thing aint happening.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"The" Movie

The movie is now on it's happy journey to the BBC, I hope they will enjoy.
I will have to finish talking later, there is a thunder and lightning storm again, earlier the lightning shut of my PC...


7 Is The Magic Number

Got my SATS results for English, I got a 7, so, now my dad owes me some muffins.

The Chocolate Chipness...

Good Afternoon, Today's Weather. Shit.

The weather sucks. Thunder, lightning, rain.
Well, I'll be safe from the lightning in my tin hat.


Saturday, June 25, 2005


Well, a few days ago after leaving Jonny's house, Jonny and my magical self were walking down his driveway and I introduced the topic about Honda...

Jonny: "**Some Text Missing**"
Sam: "Seen the new Honda advert? With the crazy logical stuff?"
Jonny: "No"
Sam: "Oh, well, Honda have released, wait for it, TWO hydrogen cars in New York!"

The O-Zone layer, it's growing back!
The Polar Ice Caps, they're re-freezing!
Global Warming is Gone!

2 Hydrogen cars, well done to Honda on that creation.
However, two hydrogen cars, a few million giant diesel cars...
I'm having a feeling, that pollution and global warming are still an issue.

"It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life, for me and I'm feeling good..."
-Muse. Feeling Good.

Friday, June 24, 2005

An Explanation

I will just explain, why this blog isn't as updated as it should be...
In my house, I have 3 sisters, 2 of them have found the "amazing" msn messenger and now "need" to be constantly talking to the friend they were talking to less than 5minutes ago on the phone.

Another thing, when they steal the internet from me, they run downstairs and ring people, asking "Hey, Bitch, do you want to come on MSN?" (Minus the bitch)
Why ask? What's the point?
I go on msn and talk to the people who are there, I don't ring Bev at 10pm saying, would you like to come online...
We text. Haha.

Anyway, Sam is without his internet for most of the night, so until there is a sharedness through a wireless router thing, Sam, will be stealing the internet and updating his blog. More often.


Monday, June 20, 2005

My 100 Things List

While reading The Hanging Stanger, I came across The 100-Things list (Look Here)
So, I decided to do my own.

1. I am Sam
2. I am 14
3. I live just outside (middle of nowhere) a small town in south wales.
4. I like making movies
5. I don't know how tall I am, so I will ask someone...
6. Apparently I'm about 5'2"
7. I like to break/smash and burn things.
8. Me and my friends Bev and Dan set up Studio8
9. I am making a movie for BBC New Talent
10. I hope it's shortlisted.
11. I have a trampoline
12. I have a t-shirt with Studio8 and my name on it
13. Bev wants a Studio8 t-shirt with her name on it
14. All my friends are weird.
15. I am listening to One Week by Barenaked Ladies because I have one week left to finish my movie.
16. I have a Gamecube
17. I like playing Zelda, I'm waiting for the new one in Novemeber
18. Bev is helping me write this list.
19. I am trying to uncover Nintendo's secret about the Revolution.
20. I am going to be filming part of my movie today, at about 2pm
21. I am running out of things to write for this list.
22. I love chocolate - Toblerone is great.
23. I hate my phone, I need a new one, It's a Nokia 3310
24. Yes, a Nokia 3310.
25. I got a level 7 in Maths and Science for my SATS (English people, I live in Wales, so papers only go up to level 7, so ha!)
26. I have Hayfever. It's evil.
27. I'm also Asmhatic, but I can't spell it.
28. I had a protest against protesting outside my skoole the other day.
29. I spell skoole this way on purpose.
30. I am going to France in September
31. It will be the first time I've left the UK.
32. I have 2 blogs, My Realm of Babbling and The Studio8 Blog
33. I like to think people like my blogs.
34. I have new trainers which I haven't worn yet.
35. I went to a Chinese New Year Festival in February.
36. I am writing this to take my mind of the movie.
37. But people are talking about it on MSN.
38. People are talking to me on MSN
39. My couzin is doing her GCSE's while I have an INSET day, Good Luck Grace!
40. I am starting to get very nervous about my movie.
41. I have a skateboard, I can't olly.
42. So I gave up.
43. I have an electric guitar.
44. I can't play it.
45. I want to.
46. I am.
47. Badly.
48. I should have thought about this more.
49. I love IKEA. The hot chocolate there is amazing.
50. I also love Starbucks and Costa Coffee. I don't like coffee.
51. I was sunburnt yesterday. I fell asleep with a cold towel on my face.
52. I love the tv show Friends.
53. I like my eyes, they are hazel.
54. I don't like the way my hair is.
55. I don't like the spots on my face.
56. I cut my finger on a jigsaw at skoole last week.
57. I have had an after skoole detention for something or other.
58. My first detention was in the first week I went to Comprehensive.
59. For not doing homework.
60. I thought it would be the last.
61. Hell, It wasn't.
62. My lucky number is 8.
63. I want to go to Hawaii.
64. I will take plenty of sunblock.
65. I am in year9 at skoole.
66. I am not looking forward to gcse's
67. I have spent about 3/4 of an hour writing this.
68. My couzin thinks I'm funny.
69. I'm making a movie for my couzin.
70. It's like Jackass, but with less pain and more stupidity.
71. I refuse to fall into the social groups like "Goth" or "Surfy" or "Chav"
72. Most people don't know what a chav is.
73. I am listening to "I'm Not Okay" by My Chemical Romance
74. Becuase I turned the Shuffle option on.
75. I am 3/4 finished.
76. My music just stopped.
77. I made it start again.
78. I used to want to be a Doctor.
79. Then a vet.
80. Then something with computers, because there's loads of money there.
81. Now, I don't know, actor or director perhaps?
82. I am taking Drama for GCSE
83. My family never thought I would take a subject like Drama
84. I got an A in Drama, last year.
85. I want some hot chocolate
86. It's nearly 1pm, I have about an hour to go...
87. Recently, my chat log with Bev "Reached it's maximum"
88. We talk alot.
89. My birthday is the 20th November.
90. I am reading the Da Vinci Code
91. I sleep on a futon thingy from IKEA.
92. My curtains are closed,
93. My curtains are open.
94. I am running out of things to say...
95. I like buying music from itunes.
96. I love writing, I love to make people laugh.
97. I hope my blog cheers people up, or makes them smile.
98. I spent alot of time writing this, so I hope you've read it =P
99. This is Bob =P Me and Bev created him.
100. I think everyone should do one of these...

I can count to 100

I am starting to think of things I should have put down.
Maybe, we will see them sometime.

Holy Crap?! One Week!

I just relalized.

I have one week to finish my movie.
Put it on my PC (which is constantly crashing).
Remove the green, draw the studio backgrounds and put it all together.
Put it on my camera.
Record it to VHS.

Write some letter and some contract thingy.
Put it in a bubbly envelope and take it all the way to the post-office.
And PAY for recorded delivery, because after all this, I don't want it to be in the small percentage of mail that goes missing.

And then wait a few months, to find out we haven't even been shortlisted.
I hope we do get short-listed.

Today's songs of inspiration...

One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Because I have one week to finish the movie.

California - Phantom Planet (The chorus does suck though...)
Because I want to be there.

Studio8 "...California Here We Come..."

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I love the Beach...

Today was quite a hot day to be sitting around in jeans, with Jonny, both of us "helping" Ed put batons on the greenscreen. (Look here for more info)
I don't like jeans on sunny days, tis tiring.

Well, while I was helping (sitting in the shade, drinking cherryade and eating a cream filled chocolate eclair making comments such as "Ed, are you sure that goes there?")
I got a phone call, hehe,

Me: Hello?
Home: Sam, come back home, we are leaving now
Me: O rite, ok.
Home: Bye.

After realizing I was going to the beach, I imagined being able to cool off in the sea.
It was hot, every time I stood up, I thought I was going to faint.

I love the beach. Tis good.
Apart from the sunburn. And the sharp shells.
Apart from that. Tis good.
Waves are good.

When I got back, Jonny rang, he needed help, as usual.

Me: Hello?
Jonny: Sam? I need help! Ed has trying to make his own Studio8 logo.
He is putting it on the internet and all over my dad's computer.
And desktop clean-up wizard has moved my itunes music somewhere...
Me: You want me to come down and save you don't you?
Jonny: Yea.
Me: I'll be down in a bit.

20 minutes later, I found myself at Jonny's house, being offered a blueberry muffin, pringles and somin else.

After removing Ed's graffiti from the computer and saving the itunes music, I stayed for a little while and we discussed teh movie. Which isnt finished yet.

Then, I left. Arriving home, I saw myself in the mirror and noticed I was sunburnt.
"Crap! I'm filming tomorrow" I thought.

So. That night, I fell asleep with a cold towel on my face. And the redness is gone.
So there. It worked.

Well, better go update the Studio8 Blog...


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Yes. I am sorry.

Well, Aloha.
I haven't posted for awhile, I have indeed been busy with the movie =P
I will post a picture of our protest scene later, it was fun.
Anyway, I am sorry with this lag in posting.

I got my SATS results back this week, well, for Maths and Science...
I am so chuffed, I thought I completely fucked up the Maths paper, but I got a level 7 in both.

Exams aside, I am also investigating Nintendo every now and again. Seeing as they hiding their latest console from us. Grrr, Nintendo.

English Oral, hmm, I'm probably going to bore everyone with my movie.
Talking about that, I should go update the Studio8 blog...


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

O de Toblerone

I am impressed, Carte d'or, finally making an ice-cream that is worth blogging about.
I am so depressed that I haven't tried it yet.

It is the toblerone ice-cream.
I want some. I want it now. But it's not here.

So I will make do with my Benco powder (thanks Joe) and my Jaffa Cakes and Shortbread.


Also, thank so much to Kitty for buying me Toblerone last year.

This. Is A Serious Problem.

I would like to share my hate of a certain televised amphibious creature to the United Kingdom and users of the internet.
This is a dual complaint, about creepy chain mail and the "Crazy Frog".

Here is a copy of a e-mail I recieved today:

when u already start reading this dont stop or else sumtin bad will happen my name is teddy i am 7 years old with blonde hair and scary eyes i have no nose or ears. i am dead if you do not send this to 15 ppl in the next 5 min i will appear tonight by your bed with a knife and kill u this is no joke something good will happen to u tonight at 10:22 someone will call u or talk to u online and say i love you dont break it

Apart from the obvious grammar and spelling problems it is quite creepy and I hate these e-mails.
Also, this was recieved through my Microsoft Account with "Added Spam and Junk Protection".

Onto Part2.
The "Crazy Frog"

You thought it was safe to surf the internet, you got your pop-up blocker to avoid the anked people coming after you again, you got your virus and privacy control to stop the 50 year old man with no job and no life sending messages that will find you, blow your computer up and steal your entire life, bank account and even change where your next TESCO orer is delivered to.
But you never thought, about...



Yes. While innocently reading my death threat, I almost jumped out of the window when the Fucking Axel F. Crazy Frog "HIT" began playing on full volume on a banner ad. A Microsoft MSN banner ad.

I hate the crazy frog.

Do you know what the tv liscense is?
It's so there is no adverts on BBC right?
Its protection money, we pay the BBC, they pay Jamster so BBC remains frog free.

Yes. Please. If you have any sense you will help me destroy Crazy Frog or at least punch him off the invisible bike.

Arrrg. Kill That Frog.

By the way. Hello to any insane people or people who are called "Crazy" this sexually confuzzled frog is a disgrace to crazies everywhere.

Seriously. Everywhere.

Update on that creepy mail. I spent 5minutes typing this, so I cannot send it away. Sorry.
If there is no post from me tomorrow, the worst has happened.
Or. I can't be bothered.

Trust. Is An Issue.

Something I hate is the lack of trust, a common place for this is skoole.
For example, a note is needed for everything.
Where is your left shoe?
I lost it.
Have you got a note?

Where were you last week?
The dentist\ill\doctors\not at skoole (duh?!)
Ok, do you have a note?

Why are you breathing?
It's something I have to do.
Well, do you have a note?

Well. Anyway. You see my point and and it's true, it pisses me off.
We need a note for everything, there is no trust.

Someone in my PE class had broken his arm, it was in a sling and he needed a note not to do PE. After an argument, he didn't do PE. But still. The Trust.

All the time. Does the world revolve around notes? Is this how the post-it note was created?
Who knows? Who cares?

Would you like a note with that?

Note: I hope you have a note to read this.

Monday, June 06, 2005

A glint of hope...

I just wanted to share my little moment of happyness.
There is a bar of chocolate. Over there (Points somehwere.)

God made Birmingham for a reason.

(In case you don't know Birmingham is where Cadbury World is.)

Another thanks to the Government.

Hello Government, Thanks to free speech, I can say what I want.
Thanks for the crappy education authority, the endless exams, shitty taxes on almost every object worth buying - including chocolate - not making the pavements out of pillows and all the other things I have complained about in this Blog.

Back to the point - Exams.
They are supposed to be over. But how come, I have an oral exam in english?
Hmmm, English you say Sam? Well, you are very good with the words, surely the wonderful you can pass an english oral Sam? I want you to shout.

NO! I cannot.

I hate exams and I do not want to stand in front of my class and talk about things.
And I don't even know what to talk about.

I am not talking about my movie, I dislike it, beacause people have heard enough of it so then can sod off and read the Studio8 blog (Found here by the way...).
Let's look around my room for input - well, there is a Zelda Gamecube CD (my favourite game, tis great) But I won't its not a good topic for oral exams. =P Hehe.
So, perhaps I could talk about blogging?


Well, any ideas, please leave a comment.

Yes. Zelda is a good game - but not a good topic.

I would just like to say a big hello to my Couzin Grace. Good luck in your GCSE's and don't ever worry about Welsh.
Also a hello to Couzin Alice, who hasnt had herself mentioned for a while.
And also a hullo to Bev, the Studio8 Team, RSS Readers, People still reading, people who want to go to Lille with me and the makers of chocolate. And maybe, some other people.

Evil Eyes. To the government, For Schools - Hey. It's your own fault.

An Injection of Interest.

I've decided to inject some happyness into the Studio8 Blog, yes, Jonny.
This was probably a bad decision. And probably will be a reversed descision. Or maybe not, as I can edit his posts.
Anyway, check out the other sites outside my realm (right hand nav bar).

Studio8 Blog.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The New Studio8 Blog

I haven't posted for a little while, I have been busy on my BBC New Talent Movie =P
Anyway, I thought, hmmm, there should be a place where I could bore you all with my movies.

So. Here it is.
Studio8 Films
Hope you enjoy\get so bored you come back to reading this blog.

Studio8 Director.

Also. I would just like to say Hello to the new readers, reading our syndicated RSS feed on their mobiles and internet newsreaders.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Aloha, A New Post At Last!

Well Aloha,
I haven't posted on here for quite a while. Hmmm. So what have I been up to?
SOD ALL. Some stuff did happen, however it being so long ago. It's forgotten.

Apart from the past few days - I am finally on half term, filming my movie for the BBC.
The filming has gone fine, the studio has been built and painted, however, there are some issues with chroma keying the green to whatever else.
I am left now with some crappy shadow and fuzzy, flashy pieces of paper and the studio itself is started to look a little less "painted in".

Anyway, this could take a while...

Magic Marker Pens.

Breaking News...
Evil Kitty Returns to My Magical Room of Doom and Gloom.
I learn to rhyme.