My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, June 20, 2005

My 100 Things List

While reading The Hanging Stanger, I came across The 100-Things list (Look Here)
So, I decided to do my own.

1. I am Sam
2. I am 14
3. I live just outside (middle of nowhere) a small town in south wales.
4. I like making movies
5. I don't know how tall I am, so I will ask someone...
6. Apparently I'm about 5'2"
7. I like to break/smash and burn things.
8. Me and my friends Bev and Dan set up Studio8
9. I am making a movie for BBC New Talent
10. I hope it's shortlisted.
11. I have a trampoline
12. I have a t-shirt with Studio8 and my name on it
13. Bev wants a Studio8 t-shirt with her name on it
14. All my friends are weird.
15. I am listening to One Week by Barenaked Ladies because I have one week left to finish my movie.
16. I have a Gamecube
17. I like playing Zelda, I'm waiting for the new one in Novemeber
18. Bev is helping me write this list.
19. I am trying to uncover Nintendo's secret about the Revolution.
20. I am going to be filming part of my movie today, at about 2pm
21. I am running out of things to write for this list.
22. I love chocolate - Toblerone is great.
23. I hate my phone, I need a new one, It's a Nokia 3310
24. Yes, a Nokia 3310.
25. I got a level 7 in Maths and Science for my SATS (English people, I live in Wales, so papers only go up to level 7, so ha!)
26. I have Hayfever. It's evil.
27. I'm also Asmhatic, but I can't spell it.
28. I had a protest against protesting outside my skoole the other day.
29. I spell skoole this way on purpose.
30. I am going to France in September
31. It will be the first time I've left the UK.
32. I have 2 blogs, My Realm of Babbling and The Studio8 Blog
33. I like to think people like my blogs.
34. I have new trainers which I haven't worn yet.
35. I went to a Chinese New Year Festival in February.
36. I am writing this to take my mind of the movie.
37. But people are talking about it on MSN.
38. People are talking to me on MSN
39. My couzin is doing her GCSE's while I have an INSET day, Good Luck Grace!
40. I am starting to get very nervous about my movie.
41. I have a skateboard, I can't olly.
42. So I gave up.
43. I have an electric guitar.
44. I can't play it.
45. I want to.
46. I am.
47. Badly.
48. I should have thought about this more.
49. I love IKEA. The hot chocolate there is amazing.
50. I also love Starbucks and Costa Coffee. I don't like coffee.
51. I was sunburnt yesterday. I fell asleep with a cold towel on my face.
52. I love the tv show Friends.
53. I like my eyes, they are hazel.
54. I don't like the way my hair is.
55. I don't like the spots on my face.
56. I cut my finger on a jigsaw at skoole last week.
57. I have had an after skoole detention for something or other.
58. My first detention was in the first week I went to Comprehensive.
59. For not doing homework.
60. I thought it would be the last.
61. Hell, It wasn't.
62. My lucky number is 8.
63. I want to go to Hawaii.
64. I will take plenty of sunblock.
65. I am in year9 at skoole.
66. I am not looking forward to gcse's
67. I have spent about 3/4 of an hour writing this.
68. My couzin thinks I'm funny.
69. I'm making a movie for my couzin.
70. It's like Jackass, but with less pain and more stupidity.
71. I refuse to fall into the social groups like "Goth" or "Surfy" or "Chav"
72. Most people don't know what a chav is.
73. I am listening to "I'm Not Okay" by My Chemical Romance
74. Becuase I turned the Shuffle option on.
75. I am 3/4 finished.
76. My music just stopped.
77. I made it start again.
78. I used to want to be a Doctor.
79. Then a vet.
80. Then something with computers, because there's loads of money there.
81. Now, I don't know, actor or director perhaps?
82. I am taking Drama for GCSE
83. My family never thought I would take a subject like Drama
84. I got an A in Drama, last year.
85. I want some hot chocolate
86. It's nearly 1pm, I have about an hour to go...
87. Recently, my chat log with Bev "Reached it's maximum"
88. We talk alot.
89. My birthday is the 20th November.
90. I am reading the Da Vinci Code
91. I sleep on a futon thingy from IKEA.
92. My curtains are closed,
93. My curtains are open.
94. I am running out of things to say...
95. I like buying music from itunes.
96. I love writing, I love to make people laugh.
97. I hope my blog cheers people up, or makes them smile.
98. I spent alot of time writing this, so I hope you've read it =P
99. This is Bob =P Me and Bev created him.
100. I think everyone should do one of these...

I can count to 100

I am starting to think of things I should have put down.
Maybe, we will see them sometime.


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