My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Holy Crap?! One Week!

I just relalized.

I have one week to finish my movie.
Put it on my PC (which is constantly crashing).
Remove the green, draw the studio backgrounds and put it all together.
Put it on my camera.
Record it to VHS.

Write some letter and some contract thingy.
Put it in a bubbly envelope and take it all the way to the post-office.
And PAY for recorded delivery, because after all this, I don't want it to be in the small percentage of mail that goes missing.

And then wait a few months, to find out we haven't even been shortlisted.
I hope we do get short-listed.

Today's songs of inspiration...

One Week - Barenaked Ladies
Because I have one week to finish the movie.

California - Phantom Planet (The chorus does suck though...)
Because I want to be there.

Studio8 "...California Here We Come..."


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