My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Jonny's Funeral.

Today, we will be talking about Jonny and his funeral plans.
Worrying, funeral plans...

Jonny: When I die, I want to be attached to my surfboard and sent off the beach...
Sam: On the surfboard? Seriously?
Jonny: Yes
Sam: But the wind might blow you onto another beach... I can imagine it now...
Young children building sandcastles, the waves come in, and a pale, dead body sweeps over their hard work...

(After A While)

Sam: We could add a voicebox, so when you get pushed back to shore, you could talk...
It would be fun if you were buried, you could have buttons on your grave.
Jonny: I could have strings attached to my mouth, to make me talk.
Sam: You could press a button, and you'll be like "Hello. I am dead, thanks for visiting"
There could be another button, the do not press button...
Jonny: And they press it, and fall into a deep hole next to me.
Sam: You know bodies decompose, well you could have a moving body...
After a few decades, when someone lands in the hole, you could move your head to say "Hello", but your head will fly off and hit them in the face...

Yes. Well. Keep yours eyes peeled for a dead man attached to his surfboard, thew grave thing aint happening.



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