My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Trust. Is An Issue.

Something I hate is the lack of trust, a common place for this is skoole.
For example, a note is needed for everything.
Where is your left shoe?
I lost it.
Have you got a note?

Where were you last week?
The dentist\ill\doctors\not at skoole (duh?!)
Ok, do you have a note?

Why are you breathing?
It's something I have to do.
Well, do you have a note?

Well. Anyway. You see my point and and it's true, it pisses me off.
We need a note for everything, there is no trust.

Someone in my PE class had broken his arm, it was in a sling and he needed a note not to do PE. After an argument, he didn't do PE. But still. The Trust.

All the time. Does the world revolve around notes? Is this how the post-it note was created?
Who knows? Who cares?

Would you like a note with that?

Note: I hope you have a note to read this.


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