My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Another thanks to the Government.

Hello Government, Thanks to free speech, I can say what I want.
Thanks for the crappy education authority, the endless exams, shitty taxes on almost every object worth buying - including chocolate - not making the pavements out of pillows and all the other things I have complained about in this Blog.

Back to the point - Exams.
They are supposed to be over. But how come, I have an oral exam in english?
Hmmm, English you say Sam? Well, you are very good with the words, surely the wonderful you can pass an english oral Sam? I want you to shout.

NO! I cannot.

I hate exams and I do not want to stand in front of my class and talk about things.
And I don't even know what to talk about.

I am not talking about my movie, I dislike it, beacause people have heard enough of it so then can sod off and read the Studio8 blog (Found here by the way...).
Let's look around my room for input - well, there is a Zelda Gamecube CD (my favourite game, tis great) But I won't its not a good topic for oral exams. =P Hehe.
So, perhaps I could talk about blogging?


Well, any ideas, please leave a comment.

Yes. Zelda is a good game - but not a good topic.

I would just like to say a big hello to my Couzin Grace. Good luck in your GCSE's and don't ever worry about Welsh.
Also a hello to Couzin Alice, who hasnt had herself mentioned for a while.
And also a hullo to Bev, the Studio8 Team, RSS Readers, People still reading, people who want to go to Lille with me and the makers of chocolate. And maybe, some other people.

Evil Eyes. To the government, For Schools - Hey. It's your own fault.


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