My Realm of Babbling

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

I love the Beach...

Today was quite a hot day to be sitting around in jeans, with Jonny, both of us "helping" Ed put batons on the greenscreen. (Look here for more info)
I don't like jeans on sunny days, tis tiring.

Well, while I was helping (sitting in the shade, drinking cherryade and eating a cream filled chocolate eclair making comments such as "Ed, are you sure that goes there?")
I got a phone call, hehe,

Me: Hello?
Home: Sam, come back home, we are leaving now
Me: O rite, ok.
Home: Bye.

After realizing I was going to the beach, I imagined being able to cool off in the sea.
It was hot, every time I stood up, I thought I was going to faint.

I love the beach. Tis good.
Apart from the sunburn. And the sharp shells.
Apart from that. Tis good.
Waves are good.

When I got back, Jonny rang, he needed help, as usual.

Me: Hello?
Jonny: Sam? I need help! Ed has trying to make his own Studio8 logo.
He is putting it on the internet and all over my dad's computer.
And desktop clean-up wizard has moved my itunes music somewhere...
Me: You want me to come down and save you don't you?
Jonny: Yea.
Me: I'll be down in a bit.

20 minutes later, I found myself at Jonny's house, being offered a blueberry muffin, pringles and somin else.

After removing Ed's graffiti from the computer and saving the itunes music, I stayed for a little while and we discussed teh movie. Which isnt finished yet.

Then, I left. Arriving home, I saw myself in the mirror and noticed I was sunburnt.
"Crap! I'm filming tomorrow" I thought.

So. That night, I fell asleep with a cold towel on my face. And the redness is gone.
So there. It worked.

Well, better go update the Studio8 Blog...



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