My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Yes. I am sorry.

Well, Aloha.
I haven't posted for awhile, I have indeed been busy with the movie =P
I will post a picture of our protest scene later, it was fun.
Anyway, I am sorry with this lag in posting.

I got my SATS results back this week, well, for Maths and Science...
I am so chuffed, I thought I completely fucked up the Maths paper, but I got a level 7 in both.

Exams aside, I am also investigating Nintendo every now and again. Seeing as they hiding their latest console from us. Grrr, Nintendo.

English Oral, hmm, I'm probably going to bore everyone with my movie.
Talking about that, I should go update the Studio8 blog...



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