My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Trolleys are dangerous. In the evil hands of Amy.

A little story about me in a trolley, beacuase I am bored and feel like writing in my beatiful blog.

Amy, my friend, we call her the bike. She knows why.
She found a trolley and we thought, this looks fun, and it brought the memories of me crashing to the ground in a "commendeered" co-op trolley on the BMX Track in the Park.
Without another thought, I jumped into the trolley and Amy pushed the trolley.

Fun? Yes.

Except she had pushed the trolley with the wonderful little me. Down a busy main road.

Fun? Maybe. Exciting? Perhaps. Facing death? No, but my reflection in the oncoming car was scary.

Attempting to steer the trolley out of the way, and jump out, it started spinning.
And I crashed.
Into the curb. I was then flung to the pavement. Bloody government, could have made pavements out of something more comfortable than concrete or whatever it is.

So, safe, the trolley was taken to the other side of the road, where I was waiting, with my fellow bus people for the bus. Because thats what people usually do at a bus stop.
Why do people ask if the bus has come yet? IF IT HAD I WOULDN'T BE STANDING HERE HAVING TO TELL YOU IT'S LATE. AGAIN.
Anyhoo. the bus driver would not let me take the trolley on the bus, so we left it there.
As the bus almost exploded as it drove away, I waved to my pretty little trolley, which to this day, I have never seen again.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Help! Evil Bee has been here all night. And is still here.

Where is he going?
Where has he gone!?
NO! He's on my jeans =(
Everytime I turn around it's gone.


Held hostage by bee.

The bee has been in here for about 24 hours. HAHA! Now who is hostage?

Update: I'm starting to like this bee. It's scaring my sisters away!! Hmm...I'll call it Bob.

Easter... Yum, Yum.

Haha. Yummy choccy egg =P

With choccy egg.

Arrrrg. Crappy Daylight Saving Time. (With Added Quotes)

Here are some quotes from Bev from the past few days. AKA Yesterday.
"girls are weird and guys are weirder"
"i have sand in my trainer (*cough* QUOTE *cough*)"
"cheer up waves are back!"
"my feet ache(frm all the walking), my foot hurts(frm wen i fell on escalator, my knee hurts from all the walking and wen i fell, my fingers hurt from all the typing and my bummmmmm is nummmm teeheeehee...."
"ooh and i think the clocks go 4ward 2day...=( one less hr in bed..fucking clocks... "

Yes. There was me thinking I had got up nice and early an 9. But no! Its 10. Now I must go and set every bloody clock in my room (thats about 5 or 6 including my watch...)


Some more babble later.

BBC2 - Programme about IKEA @ 10:30 on Easter Monday.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Skoole Hols Day2

Just a note about today.
Woke up at about 11:30 and actually decided to get out of bed at 12...
Bev has gone to town with tom and everyone - just as well I wasn't asked to go as I would have missed the 10:30 bus.

It's a nice day today, nice and hot, perfect weather for bees to carry out spy missions for cats.
I'm in wales and I'm wearing shorts. Hmmmm. Hooray for Global Warming! Even though its going to kill us all =(

Well. I'll go spread my cheer.

Evil Bee.

An evil bee, has just flown evily through my window.
It's making evil buzzing noises.
I think it's been talking to evil kitty (buffy the cat)

Well. Thought you should know if I stop posting the evil bee did it.


Update: I've been out for about 2hours and it's still here.

Oh, Jesus HELP ME!

Oh, Jesus christ no!
BBC Learining channel is on.
Please SAVE ME!

Why, the constant torture?

Early Morning.

I'm trying to cheer Bev up =P
Beacuse she is starting to question life, which is fun to think about...
Try thinking? Why are we here? What is the point of the endless cycle? Are we born to die?
Is the entire universe a giant experiment in a glass jar?

Well. Enjoy thinking.
I'm going to bed.


Friday, March 25, 2005

Skoole Hols! Day1.

Hmmmm, bit of a wasted day today...
Got up at about 11am an I've done pretty much nothing...
Well, sounds like a regular skoole day.

O well.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Long post today...

First of all it was confirmed that we would not be leaving at 2pm and we would have to spend another shitty hour or so at skoole. Then. We found out we would be doing history. Not even 9am and the day was going down the slippery crap coated slope of doom.

After History (I won't go into it. Was boring)
We had a Chemistry test. Fun. Full of trick questions so we can all fail and never get anywhere in life. While doing the test Bev'z Music Team kept running around the skoole playing music.
Then. Maths. Evil, Evil Maths. It turned out we just went through the endless SATS papers we keep doing.
Then everyone went to watch some video or somin and I ended up still in Maths - Don't ask me why. I don't know either.
Bev then came back from drums and we decided today's key words are KILL ME NOW!
Seeing as that's what we wanted. Well, Bev wanted to be hit repeatedly with a drum...
A couple of pretty quotes from Bev "be happy, its fun" "Please kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" "total bitch U R" and of course "There's no point me being here! (Maths) Back to Drumz!?!"
Me and Bev pretty much prentended to pay attention to maths teacher and the loud noises from next door.

In Lunch I ended up hanging around under the stairs with my shoes tied together with Lizzy and Craig (because Kitty and some other people were holding the form door shut so I couldn't get in) and the other people who wear black. It was really fun actually =P
When lunch was finished, Lizzy; for a change was ontime for reg, hehe!
We missed english beacause there was some match on, but we didn't bother watching...
Tom took one of Danni's pads and put red lip gloss all over it, and threw it so people would see it. haha.
Then we had Art and HE WASNT IN! YES! FREEDOM! and we had a really nice teacher who let us talk and straigten out hair - well, that was Kitty.
We then had that end of term assembly and I sat next to Anonymous D (thats the girl who wants to be a man) Everytime a certain headteacher came on stage she said "Oh no, look its dumpling" or "beefcake!"
There was this girl singing (when she was testing microphone, I shouted Hello! and the entire skoole turns around?!) and GSCE dancers and she kept saying, "Ur yea, shake that ass" or "this song, reminds me of chicken" or even "Yea, go girls! On the floor!"
The bible story of easter was told and she kept saying "Yea! Go Jesus".
Anonymous D was then moved away by the stupid RE teacher and the Drama teacher who kept complaining, it was like SHUT UP!

They began drawing the raffle tickets for the prizes and Ed was sitting next to me, and another boy kept saying, "Ed! Go on! Stand up! So everyone began turning around thinking Ed had won.
So I shouted ITS NOT ED! And for some reason. It was funny. Haha. Not Ed. Hilarious.

A couple of facts.
Just because the Raffle Ticket is ornage, doesn't mean it tastes like orange.
Teachers do not like you waving and shouting hello when they are calling your name to tell you off.
Teachers do not like humour.
Teachers do not like talking to people who have raffle tickets on their face.

After running out of skoole. I realized it was pouring down. Lovely welsh weather.
Today. I decided I was not going to miss that bloody purple car.
And after minutes of waiting in the rain, it came, and I gave it an evil look. But the driver didn't notice. I was going to go jump on the bonnet of her shitty car. But no. I might have been run over. After all she has tried to kill me once.
Jess, still didnt give me any Dr Pep.

I can't really be bothered to write anymore about today.
But I did go to Jons house to do some filming for the movie.
And that's all Im going to write. As I've been trypin for 15mins.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wednesday. Another day.

Well hullo.
This morning, the from was quite hyped, people were trying to throw other people out the window, everyone was fighting, tom had bev hostage at gunpoint and it was just madness...
Katrina tried putting make-0p on bev, she wasn't happy =(

Today's key words are Iawn and Ydyn. Beacause in welsh mrs was trying to record some stuff onto tape, haha, but everyone kept coughing, I spent the whole lesson, colouring my planner red and bev kept writting about my secret identity "Kellog's Boy" and how I should earn my stripes. =)

Before Drama, Craig and someone put this annoying boy Alex in one of the bins. Hehehee!
And we found out, on the phone a few days ago, it wasn't Jessica's dad on the phone, it was her auntie. And when she heard what Katie said she shouted "Oh my God!" =)

Random: Mr Sheen.

Tom told us about putting grapes in the microwave, apprently they sizzle and melt =)
I also confuzed my maths teacher by going to see her about some SATS papers that were supposed to be marked, she didn't have a clue what I was on about... Neither did I...
Daniel hates the top our english teacher was wearing today. Not sure why...

Did nothing in IT. As usual.

Waiting for bus, again. I finally achieved my master plan goal thing!
I got Dr Pepper from Emily, who is Jessica's couzin, so I thought that's the closest I'm going to get to Jessica's Dr. Pepper.
As usual, she didn't let me have any =( But she gave it to Jonathan :-S
I had some =) beacause Jonny is kind and let me have some, then I shouted at Jess, LOOK! I HAVE YOUR DR PEPPER!
Jonny then told me that he gave her the money to buy it, 35p but Dr Pepper is 55p so that meant it was partly Jessica's. So. That's one lifetime goal achieved. HAHA!


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tuesday. Tue's Day.

At 6:10 am evil kitty woke me up by jumping over my face onto my windowsill.
So, when the cat sodded off, she came back in scratching my pretty new IKEA rug...

Evil Kitty.

Several hours later...
We had the visit thing to a certain college in Wales. My friend Dan was also chosen to go, his consent form had Danielle\Daniel\Daniale ? because the teacher didn't know how to spell it. Haha.
Anyhoo, we had an IT thing first, and Esther was scared of the IT men, she thought they were pedos, and she called them middle age mingers...
After IT thing, where we did animation, we went of to the Arts and Performance place, I should have chosen media, as we did sod all apart from walk around and talk.
Better than the regular skoole day.

Sadly, at about 1:10pm we came back to shitty skoole, and we had french and music.
In frech I suddenly hurt my pretty arm, which Bev had drawn all over =(
And Bev decided I was le cripple. Which turned in today's Key Word. Crippley Woo. (Pronounced Crip-elee-woo)
Then in Music, we went to the IT room, where I did no work, whatsoever.
The only thing I did was talk to Esther about our plans to go to a certain town in Wales, a certain day of next week...

Leaving the skoole, I went to road where one fateful day a fateful time ago, I was almost hit by a certain, evil, demon purple car. So, I waited for it. After about 10minutes I went to talk to Anna and it came, I almost missed it, but I ran across the road to try and cut the car off.
But I was too early, and it drove past. Evily.


Jonny's dad came in his van of doom and asked if I wanted a lift home, so me and Jonny were in the back part of the van and last time I was in there, I almost died; zigging back and for from the crazy driving, hehe. Seeing the van, reminded me of the good times where I kept hitting the back of the van with my face...

Surviving the journey I got back home and to cheer me up I found my SATS revision books had arrived. "Yay..."

That was today.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Just another crappy monday...

Today, Bev was back in skoole "Dammit, Dammit, all 2 hell!" - Bev wrote that. Not me. And Lizzy, she has been off ill, but she be better now.
Anyhoo. Not much really happened apart from me sitting next to Anna in maths, and just watching a video in RE, but then we had Welsh =) Which is a very boring. Very crap lesson. Unless your on a table with Bev, Kitty, Lizzy and Esther.
Mrs Richards had better things to do than teach us Welsh today so we had some evil cover teacher who Bev said looked like she got struck by lightning; she made us write an essay about ourselves in Welsh. Which I didn't actually do...
During the lesson, items such as pencilcases and bags decided to fly out the 2nd floor welsh room window =) Fun...
Also pieces of paper somehow got glued to my face, but that's not the point at the moment.
But then the evil cover bitch moved Bev and Kitty away and she knew my name! Scary...

After Welsh, and the insane laughter that almost got me into trouble, I found out me and Dan got chosen (with some other people, I think Esther is going too) to go to a certain college in Wales for a taster session in Arts and Performance, I chose IT too and Dan chose Travel. So, more on that tomorrow...

The only interesting thing that happened today, was shouting at people when they walked past a floor is wet sign and me saving Rhiannon C from billness. (That's being alone by the way...)

Last lesson, we had History, and yes, it is interesting, but there is too much work, and the annoying amount of roleplays and shitty presentations we have to do.
Thank God. Today was not one of those "Yay! let's do a role play!" days.

Waiting for the bus, I finally thought up of a Master Plan to get some of Jessica's Dr Pepper. (still the best drink in the world...)
While she is talking to Jonny, i get a long straw and put it in the can\bottle and drink!
Also, there is a purple car, with a yellow stripe on the side - it looks really crap, and one day month (or whenever.) It tried to kill me. So everyday, I try and catch it and do something random while it goes past. It is evil. Purpley evil.
Today, as most days. I missed it. But was able to watch it slowly drive past. So I shouted at it.

Anyhoo. That's today so far...
I think I probably going to Jonny's now - he's decided he wants a blog too.
But it won't be as good as mine. I have the best blog of babble. Hehe!


UPDATE: Tis raining. There better be chocolate or something at Jonny's house.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Campaign Against Junk Food?!

I am disgusted.
Very unhappy.
Junk Food Inc. is worried.

Just to inform you there is a campaign against junk food.
Very bad. I live on it :-P

Campaign Against the Campaign Against Junk Food.

Went Owt.

Today I went to Jonathans house at about 10 and we went outside.
We met up with his friends Jessica, Amy and Katie.
When they saw me. They screamed, which made me feel wanted :-) Yay! Mainly because Jess thought I was going to spend all day begging for Dr. Pepper (the best drink in the world)
They had had ice-cream! That's the real reason we came outside.
We aimlessly walked around listening to the girls' constant gossiping and Jonny's babble about his pencil sharpening factory and we ended up at the corner shop.
After finding the girls' left over ice cream, we spilt it over the road, so we would have a trail back home.
We then went down to the shitty skool and Amy (Also Known As, Hayley the Hooker, Amy the Slut and Mercedes) tried to get inside, but we rescued her from the skoole's evil wrath.
Slutty Amy began to feel Jon's arm. The girls then ran out of their evil gossip; and they turned to Jonny and continuesly asked him who he fancied.
After escaping, we went into town and looked for food, and I wanted some chips. But the chippy was shut, so I began shouting loud abuse at it, as that is one thing I am good at. Public Disturbance.
After that incident we walked along the street and we came across

It was dodgy because...

It's a tea shop
It looked dodgy
It had a crappy, flaking sign
Man who owned it, looked scary
Strange people who kept staring at us
The food on the menu sounded dodgy (eg. Faggot Peas)
Amy was there.
Jonny thought the tea shop was dodgy, so it must be...

We had some choccy milkshakes and chips and then went to the co-op.
Jon's mum then rung and wanted him to get 12 lemon cheescake yoghurts for his dad.
Then Jessica's dad rung Jess and Katie shouted "stop feeling Jonny up Jess!" And her evil (Jonny's word not mine) boy hating dad, started his tank and went Jonny hunting.
If he found Jonathan they would have a chat ending up with Jonathan mysteriously floating around Wales in an ejector seat or a river.
Anyhoo, we had to get money from Jon's house and go back to the co-op and buy the yoghurts.
But me, Amy, Jessica and Katie couldn't be bothered to go back to the co-op so we waited for Jon for 25 minutes while he went on his bike. AAAAH! THE BOREDOM! And Jess had to go tidy her room HAHA And she never came back...
Jonny had to carry his bag of potatoes and yoghurts while he cycled back from co-op, when he came back from his house a strange red car stopped and the man inside asked Jonny if he wanted a fight with his son. Scary Man. Scary Son. Run Away.
Then Amy got all depressed for her own reasons, then I cheered her up by hitting my head on a signpost a couple of times.
Somehow I ended up dragging a sandbag all over the road, and all the sand started pouring out and then it ended up in the river...
Me and Jonny went back to his house after Amy tried to strangle him. (Well, it was more of a hug. Same thing)
And I had a Capri-Sun :-) Oh! =P And a chcolate, fudgey, toffee thingy from Jonny's magic freezer.
Then Amy and Katy appeared at Jon's front door, we tried to escape but we couldn't.
So we went and hung round the outside of my house, blocking the road by lying down and babbling and gossiping...
Oh yes, and ruining Amy and her boyfriend's relationship.

The End.
No wait...
Then Amy stole Jon's bike and his hat and rode off up the hill...then came back.
And that left Jon sitting over there *points* telling me what happened today so I could bore you all to death with an extra long post.
This just shows, how sad, and boring my life is :-P
I doubt tomorrow will be any better.
Go read Bev's blog, she was probably watching Friends! Which is an awesome show, she'll have something more fun to read about! GO NOW!


Remember, feel free to leave comments and inspiration and stuff.

Morning Realm of Babble.

Hmmmm, another day, and the sun is out; an impressive thing for Wales, usually its raining.
So, I'll probably be going out to Jon's house or something...

Just to say hello, by the way, there was alot of posting yesterday, so make sure you read it all!
Don't want you missing anything now, do we?


Saturday, March 19, 2005


I done pretty much nothing today.
And I am tired.

Bev, however is still watching friends which, I guess, is her obsession.
But, I can't stop watching it either :-P
Bev was even watching some of my Series 10 on my TV on an MSN video convo, which was fun.

Anyhoo. Being tired, I want to go sleep in my comfy bed.
So when I am done with what is being done.
I shall sleep and then talk, babble and complain to you all tomorrow.


By the way, I'll probably get Jon down here tomorrow, so, some extra babble there.
And in future, I'll try and post less per day, as otherwise people will miss lots of cool babble.

HELP! Secret Agent Cat is in my room!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Help me blog people!
The cat that jumped in through the bathroom window this morning! Is Baack! I think she is looking for a way out or wants to investigate for her cat mafia thingy.
She's sniffing around.
Sitting on my windowsill giving me - haha, what you gona do? eyes.
Now she is on my bed.
Now she isn't.

And she's left.
Gone to report back to Catnip Control.

Hmmmmm, I could do a documentary on it, lol.

Please! Feel free to be giving inspiration for my movies and stuff! Just comment!


The Phone Conspiracy.

I think there is a conspiracy to stop me watching friends and talking to Bev and me writing on my pretty babbling blog.
Aaaah! I'm just happily typing along and then suddenly, from deep in the evil of downstairs.


Phones, are very rude. It's like walking into someones office and shouting SPEAK TO ME NOW! SPEAK TO ME NOW!
So anyway. That's the conspiracy.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go set fire to the phone and listen to it sadly ring as it melts into the Ringing Abyss.

Phone Burner.

Update: Right after I wrote this, I sat down to talk to Bev and the phone rang again.
It was one of those messages that are pre-recorded - so I shouted as much abuse as I could before throwing the handset back down. And ran upstairs to hide from the evil, phone.

Note for the fire department or anyone who thinks I'm dangerous: The phone was never on fire. Honest. The phone came in that colour, yes, Ash Black in melted phone style.

Wales v Ireland!

Well, being Welsh, I was watching the rugby match on teledu. (That's TV for you non-welsh people)

For anyone who has been to some foreign world and only just arrived back Wales won 32-20!
That's a good thing. As it means we beat the other team, which we are not used to.

Anyhoo. Yay.

Inspiration People!

Aloha and Hello Babble Readers!
I have seen my magic camera in the corner of my eye, and I feel like making a movie or documentry, but sadly, I have no inspiration.
So, please feel free to comment with your ideas and inspiration and angered abuse!

Thank You!

Deciding what to do about Site

I can't really be bothered to go back to the whole forum thing...
So I might not bother getting the website back up - but don't worry the blog is not going anywhere for now (Sarcastic Yay!)
Can't really be bothered to think about the forum or website at the moment, but feel free to leave comments on what you think I should do...

Random Thought About Website Expiring.

I just realized that my website is going to expire and want money soon.
So the blog may move somewhere, so I'll keep you posted on that.
Not sure if I'm keeping, or getting a new site or something.

Anyhoo. The babble will continue :-)

Update: Trying to convince my Dad to pay for my site :-)

My Cat is an evil secret agent type cat.

My evil cat, Buffy, is an evil secret agent cat. Trained by the Cat Mafia or Axis of Evil, or something like that.
My cat cannot be normal. She cannot use the cat flap. NO. She must use my bedroom window.
I walk up here with my hot choccy and find her attempting to infiltrate my pretty new bedroom.
She sees me and jumps down. I look out onto the balcony (thats how she gets near the window) and she is gone, I notice the bathroom window is also open, so I run to the bathroom and evil kitty has gained access to my home.

What is she going to do? What is Operation Catnip?
She looks like she wants to sleep somewhere, she's giving me the why don't you buy me a comfy sofa or something, you tight git!?
Maybe I will. If it stops you jumping through my window, which I don't actually mind.

Anyhoo. My cat is sleeping somewhere.
And I just realized why she doesn't bother with the cat flap. Beacause we dont have one.


Update: I noticed there is a hole in the back door, with a pet flap in it.


Well, I have awoken, and the house is empty.
My parents and sisters have abondoned me alone in my house.
So I thought I'd give my friend Jon a call, seeing as he only lives up the road, I thought perhaps I could go to town and costa coffee today.
But no! He is already going to town! With Colwill (the guy Jon took to Florida instead of the wonderful me) and Dabzy (some guy).

Well, anyhoo. No-one is online on MSN, so hmmmmm.
The hot chocolate will help and my TV. :-)
Wow, iPod Shuffle £69
70% off Kitchen Doors at B&Q


Morning Realm of Babbling

Well hullo.
I am awake at last.
Sudden urge for toast and hot chocolate.

Friday, March 18, 2005

An Introduction to the life of Me.

Well hullo.
Still reading this trash? Wow, some people are so easily entertained...

Anyhoo. Just in case I start mentioning names and things, I will introduce you to my life.

I, as you know, be the wonderful Sam.
I live in the UK. Where the phone is ringing. I must answer the phone...
Back. Anyhoo. Yes. Me. Wonderful Sam, Yes.

I must go to skoole, beacuase the same people who make stupid decisions and concrete pavements a living, evil reality (that we all take for granted) say so.
So. Pointless and boring information crammed into the most 5 boring hours of the day.
Some of those 25 weekly hours may be intresting. But most are boring.

I end up getting up out of my comfy bed at about 8:15 which is about 5 minutes before my bus stops outside to take me away to boredom.
On the way, the bus, amazingly, delays me getting to the concrete and plastic form of boredom that is the crappy establishment of skoole, by stopping and letting people get on.
Which I later realized was what buses IN THE REAL WORLD actually do.
Anyway, it lets my friend Jon on the bus, and we end up talking about the weirdest of things along the noisy and shaky journey to hell, sorry skoole.
If you hadn't noticed myself is not normal, neither is Jon.
Anyhoo. That is his name, that is all you need to know.
When I get to skoole, I make my way to my form room, which is where the form hangs out.
There I see, my ex Bev (but she is away from skoole at the moment :-( She is my fellow ugly club member - Her words not mine) I also see Dan, some people call him gay and maybe he is. But regardless of that he prefers to play tonsil tennis with girls at the moment. There is Tom, who I'm not quite sure if we hate eachother or not. 'Tis quite confuzing, but fun. We do talk, he likes talking dirty, by the way.
Katrina, is Bev's best friend, I don't really know much about her, apart from she wears make-up when I think she doesn't need to.
Also, Danni. Some people call her a man, she keeps calling me spotty freak, which I'm not really offended by, but I'd just thought I would mention her only becasue she is there.
Nobody I know is probably normal.
There is a girl in my class (who wants to become a man), she probably doesn't want me to mention her name but she is ONE OF the funniest people I know, Bev, Kitty, Tom, Dan and Jon all make me laugh.
Among them, there are other people in form I know, like Lizzy, Esther, Nicky, Tom W, Chris and pretty much everyone else...

Lessons are boring. Some are Ok. One or two you could even enjoy :-P
But I won't go into them all, I'll just talk about them when I get back from the hell-hole that is my skoole - which I guess, I do also take for granted.

So those are probably the people I will be mentioning throughout this babble.
Other names may include Rhiannon C, Sophie, Anna, Craig, Helen, Ben, Rachael H&C, Josh, Amy, Ashleigh and maybe more...
And of course the much dissing of the evil teachers at skoole. More on that. As it is.

But escaping from lessons, comes lunch. 12:15, the best hour of the day at skoole.
12:15 - 1:15 is when it all happens.
Usually it involves eating in form and talking about the funniest of things, which I cannot think of at the moment, to shouting and argueing and stealing chalk to write on the board, and generally even funnier things - unless we are locked out - Mrs Bird usually comes in complaining how we have estroyed our precious form room.
Bev has just informed me via MSN that she has missed 48hours of skoole.
And the phone is ringing. AGAIN!
Maybe if your not there, in the form room with us, you might not find it funny.
But, hopefully I can describe it. So it is funny! HAHA!

Anyhoo. Thanks for reading.

Please feel free to leave comments.

I thought I should introduce myself.

I thought you should at least know where this constant babble comes from.
It comes from I, Sam or DairyMilkDevil, Sam boyo, freak or the many other names I have been called.
I am in skoole. Which is hell, with flourescent lighting, that maybe why I may begin to moan for most of the time I'm writing this blog.
I like chocolate, especially when bought by someone else, except I don't like when it runs out. I also like jam sandwiches and other very sugary and unhealthy foods, and as your reading this, you may be imagining I am fat and cannot get off my very comfy swivel chair.
BUT I CAN! That's because I am not fat. Anyhoo.
I like to go out with my friends and go to town, I like the cinema and buying things such as chocolate for my mini fridge.
I like trying to play my electric guitar, thats trying, not playing.
And I do the odd website for people, because I can.
I like make movies with my magic digital camcorder, but I don't have too much inspiration, so bloggers, friends, people who have no idea why they are reading someone elses babble, feel free to post, comment, send e-mails of hatred and abuse or more apprecitaviely happy comments and inspiration to me.

I can't really think of much else to say about me at this time, but I guess it won't be long before I'm editing this post so everyone knows about the wonderful me.

Thinking (which is dangerous, especially for me) no one may be reading this, but I shall write as though someone is.

So Thank You.

Aloha, and welcome.

Welcome to my realm of evil babbling.
It's too late to escape.

I had this sudden urge to start writing this blog, after my friend kept telling me I should write a book, but seeing as I lack the capability of writing in sentences and the fact all the publishing companies are evil and want blood, I decided to write a blog instead.

If you don't like my constant babble. Go Away.