My Realm of Babbling

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Went Owt.

Today I went to Jonathans house at about 10 and we went outside.
We met up with his friends Jessica, Amy and Katie.
When they saw me. They screamed, which made me feel wanted :-) Yay! Mainly because Jess thought I was going to spend all day begging for Dr. Pepper (the best drink in the world)
They had had ice-cream! That's the real reason we came outside.
We aimlessly walked around listening to the girls' constant gossiping and Jonny's babble about his pencil sharpening factory and we ended up at the corner shop.
After finding the girls' left over ice cream, we spilt it over the road, so we would have a trail back home.
We then went down to the shitty skool and Amy (Also Known As, Hayley the Hooker, Amy the Slut and Mercedes) tried to get inside, but we rescued her from the skoole's evil wrath.
Slutty Amy began to feel Jon's arm. The girls then ran out of their evil gossip; and they turned to Jonny and continuesly asked him who he fancied.
After escaping, we went into town and looked for food, and I wanted some chips. But the chippy was shut, so I began shouting loud abuse at it, as that is one thing I am good at. Public Disturbance.
After that incident we walked along the street and we came across

It was dodgy because...

It's a tea shop
It looked dodgy
It had a crappy, flaking sign
Man who owned it, looked scary
Strange people who kept staring at us
The food on the menu sounded dodgy (eg. Faggot Peas)
Amy was there.
Jonny thought the tea shop was dodgy, so it must be...

We had some choccy milkshakes and chips and then went to the co-op.
Jon's mum then rung and wanted him to get 12 lemon cheescake yoghurts for his dad.
Then Jessica's dad rung Jess and Katie shouted "stop feeling Jonny up Jess!" And her evil (Jonny's word not mine) boy hating dad, started his tank and went Jonny hunting.
If he found Jonathan they would have a chat ending up with Jonathan mysteriously floating around Wales in an ejector seat or a river.
Anyhoo, we had to get money from Jon's house and go back to the co-op and buy the yoghurts.
But me, Amy, Jessica and Katie couldn't be bothered to go back to the co-op so we waited for Jon for 25 minutes while he went on his bike. AAAAH! THE BOREDOM! And Jess had to go tidy her room HAHA And she never came back...
Jonny had to carry his bag of potatoes and yoghurts while he cycled back from co-op, when he came back from his house a strange red car stopped and the man inside asked Jonny if he wanted a fight with his son. Scary Man. Scary Son. Run Away.
Then Amy got all depressed for her own reasons, then I cheered her up by hitting my head on a signpost a couple of times.
Somehow I ended up dragging a sandbag all over the road, and all the sand started pouring out and then it ended up in the river...
Me and Jonny went back to his house after Amy tried to strangle him. (Well, it was more of a hug. Same thing)
And I had a Capri-Sun :-) Oh! =P And a chcolate, fudgey, toffee thingy from Jonny's magic freezer.
Then Amy and Katy appeared at Jon's front door, we tried to escape but we couldn't.
So we went and hung round the outside of my house, blocking the road by lying down and babbling and gossiping...
Oh yes, and ruining Amy and her boyfriend's relationship.

The End.
No wait...
Then Amy stole Jon's bike and his hat and rode off up the hill...then came back.
And that left Jon sitting over there *points* telling me what happened today so I could bore you all to death with an extra long post.
This just shows, how sad, and boring my life is :-P
I doubt tomorrow will be any better.
Go read Bev's blog, she was probably watching Friends! Which is an awesome show, she'll have something more fun to read about! GO NOW!


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