My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wednesday. Another day.

Well hullo.
This morning, the from was quite hyped, people were trying to throw other people out the window, everyone was fighting, tom had bev hostage at gunpoint and it was just madness...
Katrina tried putting make-0p on bev, she wasn't happy =(

Today's key words are Iawn and Ydyn. Beacause in welsh mrs was trying to record some stuff onto tape, haha, but everyone kept coughing, I spent the whole lesson, colouring my planner red and bev kept writting about my secret identity "Kellog's Boy" and how I should earn my stripes. =)

Before Drama, Craig and someone put this annoying boy Alex in one of the bins. Hehehee!
And we found out, on the phone a few days ago, it wasn't Jessica's dad on the phone, it was her auntie. And when she heard what Katie said she shouted "Oh my God!" =)

Random: Mr Sheen.

Tom told us about putting grapes in the microwave, apprently they sizzle and melt =)
I also confuzed my maths teacher by going to see her about some SATS papers that were supposed to be marked, she didn't have a clue what I was on about... Neither did I...
Daniel hates the top our english teacher was wearing today. Not sure why...

Did nothing in IT. As usual.

Waiting for bus, again. I finally achieved my master plan goal thing!
I got Dr Pepper from Emily, who is Jessica's couzin, so I thought that's the closest I'm going to get to Jessica's Dr. Pepper.
As usual, she didn't let me have any =( But she gave it to Jonathan :-S
I had some =) beacause Jonny is kind and let me have some, then I shouted at Jess, LOOK! I HAVE YOUR DR PEPPER!
Jonny then told me that he gave her the money to buy it, 35p but Dr Pepper is 55p so that meant it was partly Jessica's. So. That's one lifetime goal achieved. HAHA!



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