My Realm of Babbling

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Friday, March 18, 2005

An Introduction to the life of Me.

Well hullo.
Still reading this trash? Wow, some people are so easily entertained...

Anyhoo. Just in case I start mentioning names and things, I will introduce you to my life.

I, as you know, be the wonderful Sam.
I live in the UK. Where the phone is ringing. I must answer the phone...
Back. Anyhoo. Yes. Me. Wonderful Sam, Yes.

I must go to skoole, beacuase the same people who make stupid decisions and concrete pavements a living, evil reality (that we all take for granted) say so.
So. Pointless and boring information crammed into the most 5 boring hours of the day.
Some of those 25 weekly hours may be intresting. But most are boring.

I end up getting up out of my comfy bed at about 8:15 which is about 5 minutes before my bus stops outside to take me away to boredom.
On the way, the bus, amazingly, delays me getting to the concrete and plastic form of boredom that is the crappy establishment of skoole, by stopping and letting people get on.
Which I later realized was what buses IN THE REAL WORLD actually do.
Anyway, it lets my friend Jon on the bus, and we end up talking about the weirdest of things along the noisy and shaky journey to hell, sorry skoole.
If you hadn't noticed myself is not normal, neither is Jon.
Anyhoo. That is his name, that is all you need to know.
When I get to skoole, I make my way to my form room, which is where the form hangs out.
There I see, my ex Bev (but she is away from skoole at the moment :-( She is my fellow ugly club member - Her words not mine) I also see Dan, some people call him gay and maybe he is. But regardless of that he prefers to play tonsil tennis with girls at the moment. There is Tom, who I'm not quite sure if we hate eachother or not. 'Tis quite confuzing, but fun. We do talk, he likes talking dirty, by the way.
Katrina, is Bev's best friend, I don't really know much about her, apart from she wears make-up when I think she doesn't need to.
Also, Danni. Some people call her a man, she keeps calling me spotty freak, which I'm not really offended by, but I'd just thought I would mention her only becasue she is there.
Nobody I know is probably normal.
There is a girl in my class (who wants to become a man), she probably doesn't want me to mention her name but she is ONE OF the funniest people I know, Bev, Kitty, Tom, Dan and Jon all make me laugh.
Among them, there are other people in form I know, like Lizzy, Esther, Nicky, Tom W, Chris and pretty much everyone else...

Lessons are boring. Some are Ok. One or two you could even enjoy :-P
But I won't go into them all, I'll just talk about them when I get back from the hell-hole that is my skoole - which I guess, I do also take for granted.

So those are probably the people I will be mentioning throughout this babble.
Other names may include Rhiannon C, Sophie, Anna, Craig, Helen, Ben, Rachael H&C, Josh, Amy, Ashleigh and maybe more...
And of course the much dissing of the evil teachers at skoole. More on that. As it is.

But escaping from lessons, comes lunch. 12:15, the best hour of the day at skoole.
12:15 - 1:15 is when it all happens.
Usually it involves eating in form and talking about the funniest of things, which I cannot think of at the moment, to shouting and argueing and stealing chalk to write on the board, and generally even funnier things - unless we are locked out - Mrs Bird usually comes in complaining how we have estroyed our precious form room.
Bev has just informed me via MSN that she has missed 48hours of skoole.
And the phone is ringing. AGAIN!
Maybe if your not there, in the form room with us, you might not find it funny.
But, hopefully I can describe it. So it is funny! HAHA!

Anyhoo. Thanks for reading.

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