My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tuesday. Tue's Day.

At 6:10 am evil kitty woke me up by jumping over my face onto my windowsill.
So, when the cat sodded off, she came back in scratching my pretty new IKEA rug...

Evil Kitty.

Several hours later...
We had the visit thing to a certain college in Wales. My friend Dan was also chosen to go, his consent form had Danielle\Daniel\Daniale ? because the teacher didn't know how to spell it. Haha.
Anyhoo, we had an IT thing first, and Esther was scared of the IT men, she thought they were pedos, and she called them middle age mingers...
After IT thing, where we did animation, we went of to the Arts and Performance place, I should have chosen media, as we did sod all apart from walk around and talk.
Better than the regular skoole day.

Sadly, at about 1:10pm we came back to shitty skoole, and we had french and music.
In frech I suddenly hurt my pretty arm, which Bev had drawn all over =(
And Bev decided I was le cripple. Which turned in today's Key Word. Crippley Woo. (Pronounced Crip-elee-woo)
Then in Music, we went to the IT room, where I did no work, whatsoever.
The only thing I did was talk to Esther about our plans to go to a certain town in Wales, a certain day of next week...

Leaving the skoole, I went to road where one fateful day a fateful time ago, I was almost hit by a certain, evil, demon purple car. So, I waited for it. After about 10minutes I went to talk to Anna and it came, I almost missed it, but I ran across the road to try and cut the car off.
But I was too early, and it drove past. Evily.


Jonny's dad came in his van of doom and asked if I wanted a lift home, so me and Jonny were in the back part of the van and last time I was in there, I almost died; zigging back and for from the crazy driving, hehe. Seeing the van, reminded me of the good times where I kept hitting the back of the van with my face...

Surviving the journey I got back home and to cheer me up I found my SATS revision books had arrived. "Yay..."

That was today.


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