My Realm of Babbling

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

Trolleys are dangerous. In the evil hands of Amy.

A little story about me in a trolley, beacuase I am bored and feel like writing in my beatiful blog.

Amy, my friend, we call her the bike. She knows why.
She found a trolley and we thought, this looks fun, and it brought the memories of me crashing to the ground in a "commendeered" co-op trolley on the BMX Track in the Park.
Without another thought, I jumped into the trolley and Amy pushed the trolley.

Fun? Yes.

Except she had pushed the trolley with the wonderful little me. Down a busy main road.

Fun? Maybe. Exciting? Perhaps. Facing death? No, but my reflection in the oncoming car was scary.

Attempting to steer the trolley out of the way, and jump out, it started spinning.
And I crashed.
Into the curb. I was then flung to the pavement. Bloody government, could have made pavements out of something more comfortable than concrete or whatever it is.

So, safe, the trolley was taken to the other side of the road, where I was waiting, with my fellow bus people for the bus. Because thats what people usually do at a bus stop.
Why do people ask if the bus has come yet? IF IT HAD I WOULDN'T BE STANDING HERE HAVING TO TELL YOU IT'S LATE. AGAIN.
Anyhoo. the bus driver would not let me take the trolley on the bus, so we left it there.
As the bus almost exploded as it drove away, I waved to my pretty little trolley, which to this day, I have never seen again.


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