My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Long post today...

First of all it was confirmed that we would not be leaving at 2pm and we would have to spend another shitty hour or so at skoole. Then. We found out we would be doing history. Not even 9am and the day was going down the slippery crap coated slope of doom.

After History (I won't go into it. Was boring)
We had a Chemistry test. Fun. Full of trick questions so we can all fail and never get anywhere in life. While doing the test Bev'z Music Team kept running around the skoole playing music.
Then. Maths. Evil, Evil Maths. It turned out we just went through the endless SATS papers we keep doing.
Then everyone went to watch some video or somin and I ended up still in Maths - Don't ask me why. I don't know either.
Bev then came back from drums and we decided today's key words are KILL ME NOW!
Seeing as that's what we wanted. Well, Bev wanted to be hit repeatedly with a drum...
A couple of pretty quotes from Bev "be happy, its fun" "Please kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" "total bitch U R" and of course "There's no point me being here! (Maths) Back to Drumz!?!"
Me and Bev pretty much prentended to pay attention to maths teacher and the loud noises from next door.

In Lunch I ended up hanging around under the stairs with my shoes tied together with Lizzy and Craig (because Kitty and some other people were holding the form door shut so I couldn't get in) and the other people who wear black. It was really fun actually =P
When lunch was finished, Lizzy; for a change was ontime for reg, hehe!
We missed english beacause there was some match on, but we didn't bother watching...
Tom took one of Danni's pads and put red lip gloss all over it, and threw it so people would see it. haha.
Then we had Art and HE WASNT IN! YES! FREEDOM! and we had a really nice teacher who let us talk and straigten out hair - well, that was Kitty.
We then had that end of term assembly and I sat next to Anonymous D (thats the girl who wants to be a man) Everytime a certain headteacher came on stage she said "Oh no, look its dumpling" or "beefcake!"
There was this girl singing (when she was testing microphone, I shouted Hello! and the entire skoole turns around?!) and GSCE dancers and she kept saying, "Ur yea, shake that ass" or "this song, reminds me of chicken" or even "Yea, go girls! On the floor!"
The bible story of easter was told and she kept saying "Yea! Go Jesus".
Anonymous D was then moved away by the stupid RE teacher and the Drama teacher who kept complaining, it was like SHUT UP!

They began drawing the raffle tickets for the prizes and Ed was sitting next to me, and another boy kept saying, "Ed! Go on! Stand up! So everyone began turning around thinking Ed had won.
So I shouted ITS NOT ED! And for some reason. It was funny. Haha. Not Ed. Hilarious.

A couple of facts.
Just because the Raffle Ticket is ornage, doesn't mean it tastes like orange.
Teachers do not like you waving and shouting hello when they are calling your name to tell you off.
Teachers do not like humour.
Teachers do not like talking to people who have raffle tickets on their face.

After running out of skoole. I realized it was pouring down. Lovely welsh weather.
Today. I decided I was not going to miss that bloody purple car.
And after minutes of waiting in the rain, it came, and I gave it an evil look. But the driver didn't notice. I was going to go jump on the bonnet of her shitty car. But no. I might have been run over. After all she has tried to kill me once.
Jess, still didnt give me any Dr Pep.

I can't really be bothered to write anymore about today.
But I did go to Jons house to do some filming for the movie.
And that's all Im going to write. As I've been trypin for 15mins.



  • At Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:32:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sam boyo!!!
    guess who!!
    let me just say u shudnt want to kill your self yet! you are in year 9 sats are so unimportant! i am in year 11 and i have like 2 weeks before my 1st gcse exam is! wait till your in year 10 N 11 those years make you want 2 kill yourself all you have is coursework gcse science modules and so much work!!ahhh the stresss!!!! sol (sob out loud)
    Well sorry for that little outburst!!
    soo yeh.. ummm... no school for a while shud b fun
    is it just me or what is up with the weather sunny for the mornin then tipping down with rain! that is wales for u ini like !
    Can i just advice people in year 9 neva take italian!
    well this has been a very depressing little message post thingy for you! but then again i am in one of those moods seen as my courseworks are all not done and they shud b! oh well neva mind
    Cool blogs sam!
    Very long kinda like this message! must run in the family
    I promise next time i sign this i will leave a short message
    Tara xxxxxxxx
    Grace x

  • At Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:49:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i really agree with u!!! the last days of skool r always the worst and yup u were funny in essembly!!!
    frm sum1 in maths that sits 2 chairs down lol (RACH)


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