My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Friday, March 18, 2005

I thought I should introduce myself.

I thought you should at least know where this constant babble comes from.
It comes from I, Sam or DairyMilkDevil, Sam boyo, freak or the many other names I have been called.
I am in skoole. Which is hell, with flourescent lighting, that maybe why I may begin to moan for most of the time I'm writing this blog.
I like chocolate, especially when bought by someone else, except I don't like when it runs out. I also like jam sandwiches and other very sugary and unhealthy foods, and as your reading this, you may be imagining I am fat and cannot get off my very comfy swivel chair.
BUT I CAN! That's because I am not fat. Anyhoo.
I like to go out with my friends and go to town, I like the cinema and buying things such as chocolate for my mini fridge.
I like trying to play my electric guitar, thats trying, not playing.
And I do the odd website for people, because I can.
I like make movies with my magic digital camcorder, but I don't have too much inspiration, so bloggers, friends, people who have no idea why they are reading someone elses babble, feel free to post, comment, send e-mails of hatred and abuse or more apprecitaviely happy comments and inspiration to me.

I can't really think of much else to say about me at this time, but I guess it won't be long before I'm editing this post so everyone knows about the wonderful me.

Thinking (which is dangerous, especially for me) no one may be reading this, but I shall write as though someone is.

So Thank You.


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