My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Just another crappy monday...

Today, Bev was back in skoole "Dammit, Dammit, all 2 hell!" - Bev wrote that. Not me. And Lizzy, she has been off ill, but she be better now.
Anyhoo. Not much really happened apart from me sitting next to Anna in maths, and just watching a video in RE, but then we had Welsh =) Which is a very boring. Very crap lesson. Unless your on a table with Bev, Kitty, Lizzy and Esther.
Mrs Richards had better things to do than teach us Welsh today so we had some evil cover teacher who Bev said looked like she got struck by lightning; she made us write an essay about ourselves in Welsh. Which I didn't actually do...
During the lesson, items such as pencilcases and bags decided to fly out the 2nd floor welsh room window =) Fun...
Also pieces of paper somehow got glued to my face, but that's not the point at the moment.
But then the evil cover bitch moved Bev and Kitty away and she knew my name! Scary...

After Welsh, and the insane laughter that almost got me into trouble, I found out me and Dan got chosen (with some other people, I think Esther is going too) to go to a certain college in Wales for a taster session in Arts and Performance, I chose IT too and Dan chose Travel. So, more on that tomorrow...

The only interesting thing that happened today, was shouting at people when they walked past a floor is wet sign and me saving Rhiannon C from billness. (That's being alone by the way...)

Last lesson, we had History, and yes, it is interesting, but there is too much work, and the annoying amount of roleplays and shitty presentations we have to do.
Thank God. Today was not one of those "Yay! let's do a role play!" days.

Waiting for the bus, I finally thought up of a Master Plan to get some of Jessica's Dr Pepper. (still the best drink in the world...)
While she is talking to Jonny, i get a long straw and put it in the can\bottle and drink!
Also, there is a purple car, with a yellow stripe on the side - it looks really crap, and one day month (or whenever.) It tried to kill me. So everyday, I try and catch it and do something random while it goes past. It is evil. Purpley evil.
Today, as most days. I missed it. But was able to watch it slowly drive past. So I shouted at it.

Anyhoo. That's today so far...
I think I probably going to Jonny's now - he's decided he wants a blog too.
But it won't be as good as mine. I have the best blog of babble. Hehe!


UPDATE: Tis raining. There better be chocolate or something at Jonny's house.


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