My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Bev has gone to Englande as of yesterday night and Jonny is still in some crummy Butlins resort in Englande too.
So, if you can get onto my blog Hello. Please come save me Bev.
Jonny and I should be podcasting tomorrow. I have the show notes right here.

Blogger won't let us have, so for more podcast news - well, less actually...
I'll rephrase... For an empty blog where our podcast will soon be posted go to:

That will be the home of our podcast unless we change our minds or decide to cough up for our own website...


Friday, August 19, 2005

Kill The World.

I have no idea how I actually found this :S

Kill the World, India and China to go...

Abit of Background, this has been going since May2001, thats over four years, United Kingdom went down in December 2002 and the final kill is expected next year.

Feel free to have a go...



Well, the hype with my hit counter is gone and the 60+ visits to my blog every day seem to have disapated for a while, I guess it's because I have nothing to write about.

I am also awake 6hours earlier than normal.
That's an achievement.

When there is something worth you reading.
It will be written.

In the mean time, please check out the links on the side, Boobs, Injuries and Dr Pepper along with The Hanging Stranger are just two of the best blogs I've ever read, Bev and Stephy's blogs are here too =P

Waiting for Something to Happen.

My Microsoft Robot Assistant thing just exploded. That's shoddy Microsoft products for you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Post 100! Woo!

Well, it's time for celebrationess, tis indeed post 100.

Today, my new find, is Blogshare, I never even knew about this, it's like a fantasy stock market thing for blogs, hehe, mine is on there.

Hehe, also we have news of the podcast, the name has been chosen, but is secretive until our first episode, Jonny can't be arsed to start yet, so I'm wanting to see if Bev will come help.
Not sure what to do about microphones though...
Possibly starting today?

I'm so sorry to people who do read that it seems I have nothing good to say anymore - which is probably true, it seems all the fun that I can write about is gone?!

Hehe, well for those who stay. Podcast coming soon.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

Post 5.

I should learn to save things seeing as this is post 5 of today...

Anyhoo. This is Sam and Jonny's Podcast News...
Well, it's more Sam's Podcast News, Jonny has no idea I'm writing this, anyway, we probably will set up a podcast, so stay tuned, we will either set up a new blog, or give you the episodes on this one...
Episodes will probably been once a week or once a fortnight... Or something like that...

Episodes should be availible on iTunes, we guess we will either be buried in heaps of other podcasts or hit the top 10 podcast chart after being declared the worst podcast ever...



The Kitchen.

Someone is making lots of food in the kitchen, due to the two large holes in the door from the kitchen into the rest of the house, the house is filling with smokey\steam, including my room.

It's like the house is on fire, hold on, I should check...


New Zealand.

It only occurred to me yesterday how upset I felt on the inside that I wasn't moving to New Zealand...
I really wanted to go, I was really looking forward to it, so it was half the world away from family and friends, at first I wasn't happy with the idea, but then I thought going to college in New Zealand sounded really fun and then it didn't seem at all bad...

I promised myself if we moved I would start surfing =P
Me and surfing, an unlikely combination, but I really like water and waves... It sounded fun, I should get up off my arse more often anyway.

Well, there is still a small chance we will go, I hope it's in time for me to go college there...
If I did go, I would have missed everyone, especially those closest to me, the ones I sat next to everyday in school and who I saw every week, but it's an opputunity...

Maybe, it's for my own good that I am not going...

Still in Wales for now =P


Still in need of inspiration...

Well being alone in my house today has left me another opputunity to plug my nice speackers in and crank to volume to the top and try and think of something to make a movie on...

Sadly, it hasn't come to me yet, which is gutting, I have all this holiday time - perfect for making a movie as I have no homework and nothing to worry about - but no idea...

Myself and Jonny have put some thought into it, well, some, almost none, anyhoo, we thought perhaps we could do a documentary, but then we also realized that it had to be something important or fun. So nothing to report around here then...

I just wish ideas would come to me sooner... I'm not very much of an idea person, but when I get one, I try and improve it, which is how we made the BBC New Talent Movie...

Well, seeing as at least people from 2 countries are returning to this blog every day, UK and USA perhaps somebody could offer me some inspiration...
Anyone from Hollywood?


I am Impressed.

Well, I was not expecting 2000 visitors for a long time.
So thank you for visiting.

An update soon...


Friday, August 12, 2005

Striking at British Airlines

Could Jonny be stuck in America because of grounded flights?
Does this mean I will be bored for a few extra days because some shitty British Airways staff feel sorry for some fired people?!

Jonny this is your own fault for leaving me alone for 3 weeks.

Wait. This means your not back today.



Jonny Will Return.

I haven't much to say... So I will just mention Jonny...
Today is the 12th, the day of Jonny's return.
I'll probably talk to him tomorrow, I'm abit confused as to when he is coming back...
Hmm, finally he can make me some toast or tortia thingies coated in proper butter.
He sodded off to America 3 weeks ago. He has been enjoying the crappy sun, the beach, the sea, and the whole America-ness that is America. Like fries with that?
Oh yes, and it's out of Wales.

I have only left Wales once, to somewhere and to Bristol Zoo, but I was too young to remember.
So, finally in September I will leave Wales, for a day, to go to France - spreading my blog as I go, maybe I will spray the bus with the address to my blog in flourescent blue paint. Sounds good. Hmm, must buy some cake while I'm there.

iPod News... I have £120, so I need £74 and all the money I am owed... Including the £11.05 Jonny owes me. He better come back from America, or I'll have nothing to do most of the time. And I need that money.

Another thing that I'm sort of looking forward to - and not at the same time - is going back to school, it means I can see Tom, Dan, Kitty, Bev and everyone who I don't see as often now we have left.
It's nice to think when I go back, I will have less subjects to hate, such as Welsh.
But I don't want the holidays to end, it means I will never have to get up early, or sit an exam every few days just to check my mind didn't fall out my ear while I was asleep...

I also thought, that shortlisting for BBC New Talent is still going on, I doubt I'll be shortlisted, but it was fun to make and an experiance.

Well, those are my recent thoughts...
I suppose.


At Starbucks.

Also Hello to new readers in Germany, Thailand, Singapore and the Netherlands.

The Land of Stephy

Bev's sister Stephy has asked me to link to her blog, it's where the rest are =P
She says "I will start writing again soon"


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dedicated Blog #5 - Couzin Joe

Joe demanded also that he have a dedication.
So I made him do me a favour.

To Joe,
For going to France and spreading the word about my amazing blog...

Yes. Joe is going to help me ruin the minds of the french. Or, well, make them worse.

UK Down.
USA Down.
The Rest of Teh World to Go


I would just like to say hello to everyone who reads this blog.
I just wanted to mention a stat I found about my blog today...

Out of 100% of readers. 9.52% are from America.

That has made my day =P
People who aren't in this country are reading my blog.

So Hello to the American people. Thanks to everyone for reading...


Also Hello to the people who are coming from my MSN Alert Blog, which tells people when there is an update and notifies them through msn. Hehe.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Another short story - My Bus Journey...


Well, I just want to tell you about another event where I could have died.
And no. It ain't me crossing the road...

I was catching a bus, seeing as I can't drive, to a random location in Hawaii - Sorry Wales...
I got onto the bus, I noticed the driver looked abit like Jimmy Carr, and was very talkative, already I liked this bus driver, I thought he'd start playing 8 out of 10 cats with us.

Anyway, I began to notice at every red light he would start eating crisps, and drinking, even when the light was green he wouldn't noticed until he had put down his bag of crunchy crisps...

Also, whenever he drove past another bus, he would take both hands of the wheel and give a dramatic wave, almost crashing the bus.

It was a great ride anyway. I hope I travel on the death bus again...

"Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover"
-Down Under, Men At Work, Business as Usual

Dedicated Blog #4 - My Couzin Alice and Best Friends Rhiannon and Bev...

There haven't been any personal messages recently...

So here is one!

To Alice,
A dedication blog for you, because you demanded one...

To Rhiannon C.
For saying my blog was class. Hope you enjoyed your holiday...
(Closest to turquoise I could get)

To Bev,
For putting up with me so far
ou'll hurt me if I don't mention you...

Making the World A Better Place... Well... No harm in trying...

Monday, August 08, 2005


Aloha, Hello.
Still with the job thing, I am annoyed how we need to be 16 to work.

Bev's sister, is now 16, and has a job working in a restaurant\bar type place, serving food and drink, now, is there some reason why a 14 or 15 year old named Bev (or Sam =P) cannot do such a job, are our elbows and arms just not fully developed to handle a plate?
Maybe if we take a plate to someone our arms turn to jelly...
Or we crumple to the ground...
Not fair.

Well, it's been five thousand, three hundred and ninety six days since I crashed my space-ship in some crummy Welsh mountain (overshot Hawaii... How was I supposed to know the Earth spun around, WHAT A STUPID THING TO DO?!)

So, now, suddenly needing an ipod, I need money and I need to have a job thingy to get money.
But I'm not allowed one. Shitty child laws. It's not like I'm going to die while working.

Anyway. I should go job-hunting.

One Day... Maybe a job title will be here... In this bold orangenesss...

I Need A Job

I want a job. I need money and an ipod.

Everyone keeps suggesting I get a paper round. Bev says she hated the paper round, I am too lazy and well, I don't care.

My argument was "I don't want to bring people the bad news, you know they'll read the paper and go, "Oh no, something bad, Aaaaah! Kill the paperboy" and I don't want that."
The argument continued "...and well, I can't be bothered to get up off my arse"

Someone was saying, "But Sam, sometimes you could be the only person someone see's in their day... You could be the person who knocks on the door and talks to them, they will like that, you will get lots of tips..."
My argument back was "What do you mean people will like it?! Some grumpy old man down the road will be like "Where is my bloody paper?! Stop talking to that fraile old woman and get your arse down here!"

So. After these points. I decided against the paper round.

Edit: Would you like to make a donation? Please use the shiny new paypal button. It will be going to a shiny new ipod photo. Thank you.


Chicken Pox...

Hehe, A short story.

Today I was being picked up from a bus stop by my parents, they left me sitting there for a while, I saw the group of older kids shouting abuse at a drunk and I heard the muffled, drunken abuse that he shouted back while spilling large amounts of alchohol all over the pavement.
I saw someone almost smash a telephone box window with anger.
I also saw a couple have an argument.

But I also saw many BUSES! *Gasp* Buses... At a bus stop?! Who'd have thought it...
Anyway, there were these two little kids and they were walking past a few metres in front of their parents, when they walked past me they stared and then the little blone boy turned to the darker haired girl in pink and said:
"Look, he has chicken pox"
Hehe, it was quite funny, it reminds me of the explanation of the spots on my face to Jenny - Jonny's little sister.
Hi Jenny
Hey Sam...What are those spots on your face?
Err, well, hmm.... You know when you lie, you get spots on your tongue
Well, when you lie alot you get spots on your face.
Oh no
So don't lie, ok Jenny? It's not good to lie.
I didn't think it through though...
Sam? Why do you lie?
Anyway. That was today.

Suspect the Chicken Pox...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Live Update. From A Secret Location.

Aloha, Hello.
I am at, my couzin's house.

I have decided to update my blog =)
So. Recent Happenings:

Got wonderfully shiny new hit counter [over there >] it counts.
(Feel free to keep pressing refresh, I made a bet with my couz that it will reach 2000 by September...)

Found ipod photo on amazon - cheaper than Apple Store. So, I only need £59... Please donate.... (Paypal button soon?)

Saw Donnie Darco (or Darko? =S) last night, I really didn't get it, but Frank the physcho rabbit was cool. I mean, a time travelling rabbit =D Tis cool.

I feel abit ill. Pringles and chocolate do not mix. Especially while drinking large amounts of chocolate milkshake and pepsi.

I will tell you about my bus journey. But that is for later.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Another August. Another Post.

Aloha, Hello.

Yes, It's August, away from skoole for a month.
I am not really sure what to say today, as not much has happened. Which is starting to become the norm.

Jonny is still on holiday in Virginia Beach (America) stupid git.
He won't be back until. Er. (He told me many times) 12th August.
But he will be "tired" (Excuse for me not to come round).
I'm not sure what he was thinking, leaving me alone for three whole weeks, what did he think I was going to do?
Well. I went out, for a change, with Tom, Bev, Dan, Nia and Kitty.
Besides almost dying in a foresty type middle of nowhere place, it was really fun. So thanks to them and "HA!" to Jonny, who probably thought my life would grind to a hault without him.

I'm currently trying to come up with new ideas for a new movie.
Unfortunately ideas tend not to be thought up by me very often and the inspiration fountain, is currently clogged with soapy suds.
Yes. Someone put some sort of fairy liquid in my inspiration fountain.
So. The mass of bubbles isn't going to give me any ideas, anytime soon.

Ooo =)
Shortlisting has started for the BBC New Talent thingy, I'm guessing my tape will be one of the first to be in the dusty BBC archives, never to be seen again or burnt, depending what the BBC think of us taking their news music and logo.

I have decided I'm going to get an iPod. Feel free to donate money I only need £84 more.
I'll shove a paypal button here somewhere =P

I'll probably need a new pc soon, I might kick this one too hard one day.
It keeps restarting... Seems ok now though. But maybe that's what it wants me to think...

Well. I think that's me talked out.
I may start another blog, with my fiction. My attempt to entertain.

In the meantime, visit those special blogs that have made me smile, laugh and almost donate money if I hadn't been saving for an iPod. (And the fact I have no idea how to send dollars)
So, they are on the right hand side, as usual. There is more, Outside my Realm.

Thanks for visiting Sam'z Realm of Babbling.
We hope you enjoyed your stay, if you would please step back into the Atrium and re-claim your sanity from the front desk.
Please feel free to come back, we're always open.
Watch the fountains on the way out, they're overflowing with soap.

"Isn't it Ironic? Don't you think?"
-Ironic, Alanis Morissette, Jagged Little Pill (1995)