My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, August 08, 2005


Aloha, Hello.
Still with the job thing, I am annoyed how we need to be 16 to work.

Bev's sister, is now 16, and has a job working in a restaurant\bar type place, serving food and drink, now, is there some reason why a 14 or 15 year old named Bev (or Sam =P) cannot do such a job, are our elbows and arms just not fully developed to handle a plate?
Maybe if we take a plate to someone our arms turn to jelly...
Or we crumple to the ground...
Not fair.

Well, it's been five thousand, three hundred and ninety six days since I crashed my space-ship in some crummy Welsh mountain (overshot Hawaii... How was I supposed to know the Earth spun around, WHAT A STUPID THING TO DO?!)

So, now, suddenly needing an ipod, I need money and I need to have a job thingy to get money.
But I'm not allowed one. Shitty child laws. It's not like I'm going to die while working.

Anyway. I should go job-hunting.

One Day... Maybe a job title will be here... In this bold orangenesss...


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