My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Post 100! Woo!

Well, it's time for celebrationess, tis indeed post 100.

Today, my new find, is Blogshare, I never even knew about this, it's like a fantasy stock market thing for blogs, hehe, mine is on there.

Hehe, also we have news of the podcast, the name has been chosen, but is secretive until our first episode, Jonny can't be arsed to start yet, so I'm wanting to see if Bev will come help.
Not sure what to do about microphones though...
Possibly starting today?

I'm so sorry to people who do read that it seems I have nothing good to say anymore - which is probably true, it seems all the fun that I can write about is gone?!

Hehe, well for those who stay. Podcast coming soon.



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