My Realm of Babbling

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Monday, August 08, 2005

Chicken Pox...

Hehe, A short story.

Today I was being picked up from a bus stop by my parents, they left me sitting there for a while, I saw the group of older kids shouting abuse at a drunk and I heard the muffled, drunken abuse that he shouted back while spilling large amounts of alchohol all over the pavement.
I saw someone almost smash a telephone box window with anger.
I also saw a couple have an argument.

But I also saw many BUSES! *Gasp* Buses... At a bus stop?! Who'd have thought it...
Anyway, there were these two little kids and they were walking past a few metres in front of their parents, when they walked past me they stared and then the little blone boy turned to the darker haired girl in pink and said:
"Look, he has chicken pox"
Hehe, it was quite funny, it reminds me of the explanation of the spots on my face to Jenny - Jonny's little sister.
Hi Jenny
Hey Sam...What are those spots on your face?
Err, well, hmm.... You know when you lie, you get spots on your tongue
Well, when you lie alot you get spots on your face.
Oh no
So don't lie, ok Jenny? It's not good to lie.
I didn't think it through though...
Sam? Why do you lie?
Anyway. That was today.

Suspect the Chicken Pox...


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