My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Another August. Another Post.

Aloha, Hello.

Yes, It's August, away from skoole for a month.
I am not really sure what to say today, as not much has happened. Which is starting to become the norm.

Jonny is still on holiday in Virginia Beach (America) stupid git.
He won't be back until. Er. (He told me many times) 12th August.
But he will be "tired" (Excuse for me not to come round).
I'm not sure what he was thinking, leaving me alone for three whole weeks, what did he think I was going to do?
Well. I went out, for a change, with Tom, Bev, Dan, Nia and Kitty.
Besides almost dying in a foresty type middle of nowhere place, it was really fun. So thanks to them and "HA!" to Jonny, who probably thought my life would grind to a hault without him.

I'm currently trying to come up with new ideas for a new movie.
Unfortunately ideas tend not to be thought up by me very often and the inspiration fountain, is currently clogged with soapy suds.
Yes. Someone put some sort of fairy liquid in my inspiration fountain.
So. The mass of bubbles isn't going to give me any ideas, anytime soon.

Ooo =)
Shortlisting has started for the BBC New Talent thingy, I'm guessing my tape will be one of the first to be in the dusty BBC archives, never to be seen again or burnt, depending what the BBC think of us taking their news music and logo.

I have decided I'm going to get an iPod. Feel free to donate money I only need £84 more.
I'll shove a paypal button here somewhere =P

I'll probably need a new pc soon, I might kick this one too hard one day.
It keeps restarting... Seems ok now though. But maybe that's what it wants me to think...

Well. I think that's me talked out.
I may start another blog, with my fiction. My attempt to entertain.

In the meantime, visit those special blogs that have made me smile, laugh and almost donate money if I hadn't been saving for an iPod. (And the fact I have no idea how to send dollars)
So, they are on the right hand side, as usual. There is more, Outside my Realm.

Thanks for visiting Sam'z Realm of Babbling.
We hope you enjoyed your stay, if you would please step back into the Atrium and re-claim your sanity from the front desk.
Please feel free to come back, we're always open.
Watch the fountains on the way out, they're overflowing with soap.

"Isn't it Ironic? Don't you think?"
-Ironic, Alanis Morissette, Jagged Little Pill (1995)


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