My Realm of Babbling

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Still in need of inspiration...

Well being alone in my house today has left me another opputunity to plug my nice speackers in and crank to volume to the top and try and think of something to make a movie on...

Sadly, it hasn't come to me yet, which is gutting, I have all this holiday time - perfect for making a movie as I have no homework and nothing to worry about - but no idea...

Myself and Jonny have put some thought into it, well, some, almost none, anyhoo, we thought perhaps we could do a documentary, but then we also realized that it had to be something important or fun. So nothing to report around here then...

I just wish ideas would come to me sooner... I'm not very much of an idea person, but when I get one, I try and improve it, which is how we made the BBC New Talent Movie...

Well, seeing as at least people from 2 countries are returning to this blog every day, UK and USA perhaps somebody could offer me some inspiration...
Anyone from Hollywood?



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