My Realm of Babbling

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

New Zealand.

It only occurred to me yesterday how upset I felt on the inside that I wasn't moving to New Zealand...
I really wanted to go, I was really looking forward to it, so it was half the world away from family and friends, at first I wasn't happy with the idea, but then I thought going to college in New Zealand sounded really fun and then it didn't seem at all bad...

I promised myself if we moved I would start surfing =P
Me and surfing, an unlikely combination, but I really like water and waves... It sounded fun, I should get up off my arse more often anyway.

Well, there is still a small chance we will go, I hope it's in time for me to go college there...
If I did go, I would have missed everyone, especially those closest to me, the ones I sat next to everyday in school and who I saw every week, but it's an opputunity...

Maybe, it's for my own good that I am not going...

Still in Wales for now =P



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