My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Live Update. From A Secret Location.

Aloha, Hello.
I am at, my couzin's house.

I have decided to update my blog =)
So. Recent Happenings:

Got wonderfully shiny new hit counter [over there >] it counts.
(Feel free to keep pressing refresh, I made a bet with my couz that it will reach 2000 by September...)

Found ipod photo on amazon - cheaper than Apple Store. So, I only need £59... Please donate.... (Paypal button soon?)

Saw Donnie Darco (or Darko? =S) last night, I really didn't get it, but Frank the physcho rabbit was cool. I mean, a time travelling rabbit =D Tis cool.

I feel abit ill. Pringles and chocolate do not mix. Especially while drinking large amounts of chocolate milkshake and pepsi.

I will tell you about my bus journey. But that is for later.



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