My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Friday, April 29, 2005

In Case You Didn't Know

Forgot to mention, I had my magical guitar back yesterday and =p It has 6 strings, hehe.
And even better, twas Inset Day today. Teeheehee. No Skoole.

I should actually be revising. But Im not. So. errr. Haha.

Kiwi Burst One.

MSN Messenger Lesson #8 Blocking

Aloha People.
This post was designed particulary for my friend Jonny. Who does not how to use the block feature of MSN.

Jonny, the block feature was designed for those scary moments when someone new (that you probably don't know) adds you. You innocently think (Jonny in paticular) "Yay! That's 5 people I have in my address book thingy now!"
Anyhoo, you start talking and this new person in question begins to ask, so, where do you live? whats your phone number? what are you wearing? why dont we meet?
So, when you relaize that this person is some scarily excited, 50 year old man, who sits in front of his computer trying to get innocent kids into his bedroom. (physcotic paedoephile)


However, (Jonny) the block button is not to be used every five minutes just for the sake of it.
Or people will block you back. Haha!

Mity Evil Inc.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

French Oral.

Hehe, Aloha =P
My oral went quite well today (for people like Carl thats speaking in French. So shut It.), I forgot the beginning, which wasnt a great start, so an awkward 30 second silence followed by about 2minutes of slow, dragged out pain and french babble.
And, of course, if that wasn't enough I got about 10 questions as well.
Anyboo. Done.

But, on a couple of happy notes, I didnt have to do pe again today coz I done my back in on my trampoline =P. See, it does something useful, unless I need an X-Ray.
And I got cookies in Music =P. Which reminds me, I have food downstairs. Teeheehee.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Shush. Or It'll Get You...

My cover is blown...
You see, I am not from around here, as in this planet =P
I was flying by and liked the look of Hawaii, but due to my bad hand and eye co-ordination, I missed and crash landed in shitty wales. The climate is crap though, all this depressing rain.
Anyhoo. Cover blown by evil biology teacher was talking about things, and the idea of crossing a person with a starfish (so we could grow our limbs back) came to mind.
So now, I am going to send the giant starfish to earth. Hehehe. Posted by Hello

Haha. Told you it was giant.

Escaping the invasion as you read.


Yes. Bonsoir, tis I Sam.
Maybe, you are wondering why the wonderful me is speaking French all so suddeness.
Tis because, I have my French Oral tomorrow and, unlike welsh I do actually want\need to do well.
So. Bleh and happy Frenchness to all.

Chocolat Chaud.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

BBC Movie - Update

For those of you (if there are any) who are interested in my magical movie making, we have managed to raise almost £100 for our new "green room" which means we can film something in front of the green wall and then put something instead of the green.
So, now that I have worked out that i can actually post photos (Thanks to "Hello") when it is built there will be pretty photos for you to look at.
Unless, of course, you have better things to do. But, if you did, you wouldn't be reading this now would you? Yes. Exactly. So the pictures will be here.

Slightly off point, my 5 string guitar has gone somewhere to be fixeded, not that it was broken...
And even if it was I didn't do it, so anyhoo, I should get it back Thursday.

Studio 8 Director.

The Tasty Cake.

Well Hi. Today involved tasty cake.

Maker of the Tasty Cake...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Im Actually Doing Some Revision.

Aloha Class.
Today on the Bored Chnanel, we are revising Key Stage 3 Mathematics.
Today's topic, is Quadratic Sequences and finding the n'th term for changing differences in a number pattern.
Now, who remembers the formulae?
Yes Bob, thats right, its
"a + (n-1)d + 1/2(n-1)(n-2)C"
Find the n'th term for this sequence: 2>4>7>11
Yes, its 1/2n squared + 1/2n + 1
Well Done.

The Only One Still Working This Out.
Seriously, I will fail Maths. HAHA

Friday, April 22, 2005

Just realized how close doom is.

From the same people who brought pavements made of tarmac instead of pillows...
We give you...S.A.T.s
Which are pointless, its just grumpy old adults making life harder for us, wonderful children, who should be outside, living life, seeing the world, instead of being stuck inside daydreaming about Hawaii and IKEA in Welsh*. And yes, life is probably harder for adults, getting up earlier, working as a coparate slave for some arsehole boss who insesently demands coffee like he is some sort of scary caffeine addict, paying for homes, cars, children, water, electricity, shitty taxes and probably more crap. But, I like moaning. Im British. (2 good things the Brtish can do is queue and moan)
I hate skoole in the Summer, well, more so, as hayfever stops me going outside untill I get my pills from the doctor, which actually do sod all (but that aint the point) I mainly hate it because the sun actually shines, and makes the classroom really hot, and the window is about 2cm open and your sitting 10m away.
Yes, a nice cold breeze?**
Heat frustration and urge to kick people.
So anyway, back to shitty SATS, which are in May, and I really, should have started revising, but I just can't, I've also taken the decision not to revise for Welsh, RE and History, until the day, or day before, because, I aint taken the subject and they are abit shit.***
The hall we do the exams in are purposely kept at -30 degress so its nice and cold, with an evil essencce of failure.
Most papers I've seen are yellow, so, I just that supposed to cheer me up?

Hmm, anyway. I must edit some video for my movie.
(£ Raised So Far...£36.25)

Burn Down The Skoole Association*****

*Your teacher will not appreciate you falling asleep in Welsh. Trust Me. I know.
**I like my new colours.
****Not that there is anythying wrong with Yellow.
*****Look, I found the Bold Button! Hehe!******
******I love my new asterisk thingys.*******
*******Isnt this annoying?

Time, for a new post!

Well Hullo Again...
I thought, hmmm, I haven't posted for like a day or two or whatever...
So, I am looking forward to Lille, =P, Sadly, Bev and Dan aint coming. So, I need to find someone to embarass in Frenchland public, I mean, someone to hang around with...
Just like to say, "Steph! Your A Great Woman!" and to tell you about my wonderful chocolate cake =P, its very yummy.
When we were making\cooking whatever you want to call it, I thought Bev was going to cry with joy, she was standing there, jumping up and down, repeatedly shouting "Choccy Cake!".
Around an hour of random cooking and 10minutes of cake decorating later, Bev was dancing around saying "I'm so proud of my Baby, (as in the cake, obviouslly) my baby chocolate cake" (with around 100 m&m'z).
And mine was yummy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Word of Warning to the Citizens of Lille.

Well Aloha, or Bonjour as the Frenchland people would say.
It seems skoole isnt all work, there are occasional trips to Frenchland for pupils studying GCSE French (that would be me =P)
So, hopefully (its all 1st come, 1st served...) I get a place.

Well, I shall finish this post later, we are setting up a new trampoline thingy =P

Dedicated Blog #2 - Jonny.

This is a dedicate blog message for Jonny, as he reads my blog every few days to check I've mentioned him and he will get angry and beat me up if I don't. Hehe.
So, yet again:

Hello! Jonny! Loooky Looky! Tis A Special, Dedicated Message on My Magical Realm of Babbling!

Now, back to reality...

Jonny Appreciation (and) Rights Society (J-ARS)

Welsh Oral was not a total failure.

I got a "lower" B is Welsh Oral, not bad, as Im not taking it next year =P

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dedicated Blog #1 - My friend Bev.

Well Aloha.
Bev said I should do a blog about her chubby cheaks. The ones on her face obviouslly.
So look Bev! A blog message! Dedicated to You!

Bev, Bev! A dedicated Message for yoooou!

Anyhoo. There you are Bev, don't you feel special?

Member of the Bev Dedication Team - A sub-branch of the Stalking Union (BDT)

Failure yn Gymraeg? Like I Give A Toss.

Well hullo.
I have an "oral exam" on Monday, 11:30am, for Welsh, I should be revising for it but, I really, really do not give a sod about this subject, and one lesson was spent colouring in a double page of my planner red. Another was spent sleeping, seriously I did, I dreamt I was in IKEA, before rudely awoken by some bitch who cannot even teach us proper Welsh.
The other day, we had a listening exam, I was going to cheat by copying off Katrina, who was cheating by having answers in her pencilcase =P Good Plan.
But I decided to swear while walking into the classroom, I shall quote (and I feel like using some colours =P)

*Amazing, ugly, Sam, storms from notice board and into classroom*
Sam (Clearly seeing Welsh teacher): "It's only on bloody Monday isn't it?"
Evil Atrawon Bitch: "Excuse Me? Get outside"
Sam: "Ok" Mutters* Whatever...

So anyway, missing all the revision time we got to do the listening exam, I didnt know many of the answers, and I wasn't even able to copy from Kitty, because I was moved when I was"invited" to return to the classroom (after trying to sneak in so I didn't get into trouble =P)

So, the start was easy, then it went crap. Ending up with just over half marks.
I don't care.
I aint even taking Welsh. I'm taking French, why? Je prefere et je deteste le professeur salope de gallois. Aller sauter d'une falise. (something along the lines of, I prefere it and I hate the welsh teacher bitch. Go and jump off a cliff)
I bet they will try and move me down a set. So I'll fail French too. Out of pure, hellish, Welsh spite.

French Preference Foundation

Friday, April 15, 2005

The Visit To The Skoole Nurse

Hmmm. Today, I went to see the nice skoole BITCH! Sorry, I mean nurse.
I haven't been feeling well for the past day...
Today, my headache got worse, so I thought, ok, better go get some paracetemol from the nurse.
So, off, out the formroom, down the corridor, and some stairs and stuff, after randomly walking around I ended up at the "Bitch's Shithole", sorry I have go to stop that, I ended up at the "Nurses Office", I knocked on the door and asked for some paracetemol, she told me to come in...
Now. I always thought of paracetemol as solid, pancake shaped, tablet form =P
So when the nurse reached for some horrible, grimy looking bottle full of scary, orange liquid. I got abit worried. Anyway. She poured some of the bright, happy looking liquid onto one of those medicine spoons and she shoved it in my mouth.
IT IS HORRIBLE. And you know what? She gave me another spoon of it. Daniel (who also came ((because we wanted some morphine as well))) actually wanted some, I repeatedly told him it was awful, but no, he didnt listen. Hehe.
When we were walking back I began to realize that the orange crap she gave me made me want to throw up. Thats great. A medicine that makes you throw up. Which, I guess in a way, makes you better.
But anyhoo - Some advice. - Scary orange liquid on medicine spoon. = RUN.
Whatever happened to the strawberry flavoured drugs...

Self Confessed Liquid Paracetemol Addict
Member of LPA (Liquid Paracetemol Anonymous)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Evil BBC.

I found BBC New Talent, again, they are doing a competition for filmakers.
Being an idiot, I decided to enter.
So, I need a 10minute movie by June 30th.
And I haven't decided on an idea yet...

So, the BBC is evil. As they set this challenge knowing I would try.
The sad thing is. I KNOW I'm not going to win. Heehee. As much as I want to...

Ollywoo Director.

Latest Update...

Hullo, Welcome back to my blog.
This be the blogger hosted one now =P
They saved me when Plugsocket wanted to shut down my site.

So anyhoo, I might not post what has happened the past two weeks - because alot has...And well, I can't remember it all, hehe.
The reason it isnt all here, is because my site went down and then I couldn't update, then when the site was back up a few days ago, blogger wouldn't let me sign in. And the blogger host wasn't working =(

But welcome back, to...
It's to late to escape.