My Realm of Babbling

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Friday, April 29, 2005

MSN Messenger Lesson #8 Blocking

Aloha People.
This post was designed particulary for my friend Jonny. Who does not how to use the block feature of MSN.

Jonny, the block feature was designed for those scary moments when someone new (that you probably don't know) adds you. You innocently think (Jonny in paticular) "Yay! That's 5 people I have in my address book thingy now!"
Anyhoo, you start talking and this new person in question begins to ask, so, where do you live? whats your phone number? what are you wearing? why dont we meet?
So, when you relaize that this person is some scarily excited, 50 year old man, who sits in front of his computer trying to get innocent kids into his bedroom. (physcotic paedoephile)


However, (Jonny) the block button is not to be used every five minutes just for the sake of it.
Or people will block you back. Haha!

Mity Evil Inc.