My Realm of Babbling

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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Failure yn Gymraeg? Like I Give A Toss.

Well hullo.
I have an "oral exam" on Monday, 11:30am, for Welsh, I should be revising for it but, I really, really do not give a sod about this subject, and one lesson was spent colouring in a double page of my planner red. Another was spent sleeping, seriously I did, I dreamt I was in IKEA, before rudely awoken by some bitch who cannot even teach us proper Welsh.
The other day, we had a listening exam, I was going to cheat by copying off Katrina, who was cheating by having answers in her pencilcase =P Good Plan.
But I decided to swear while walking into the classroom, I shall quote (and I feel like using some colours =P)

*Amazing, ugly, Sam, storms from notice board and into classroom*
Sam (Clearly seeing Welsh teacher): "It's only on bloody Monday isn't it?"
Evil Atrawon Bitch: "Excuse Me? Get outside"
Sam: "Ok" Mutters* Whatever...

So anyway, missing all the revision time we got to do the listening exam, I didnt know many of the answers, and I wasn't even able to copy from Kitty, because I was moved when I was"invited" to return to the classroom (after trying to sneak in so I didn't get into trouble =P)

So, the start was easy, then it went crap. Ending up with just over half marks.
I don't care.
I aint even taking Welsh. I'm taking French, why? Je prefere et je deteste le professeur salope de gallois. Aller sauter d'une falise. (something along the lines of, I prefere it and I hate the welsh teacher bitch. Go and jump off a cliff)
I bet they will try and move me down a set. So I'll fail French too. Out of pure, hellish, Welsh spite.

French Preference Foundation


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