My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

French Oral.

Hehe, Aloha =P
My oral went quite well today (for people like Carl thats speaking in French. So shut It.), I forgot the beginning, which wasnt a great start, so an awkward 30 second silence followed by about 2minutes of slow, dragged out pain and french babble.
And, of course, if that wasn't enough I got about 10 questions as well.
Anyboo. Done.

But, on a couple of happy notes, I didnt have to do pe again today coz I done my back in on my trampoline =P. See, it does something useful, unless I need an X-Ray.
And I got cookies in Music =P. Which reminds me, I have food downstairs. Teeheehee.



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