My Realm of Babbling

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

BBC Movie - Update

For those of you (if there are any) who are interested in my magical movie making, we have managed to raise almost £100 for our new "green room" which means we can film something in front of the green wall and then put something instead of the green.
So, now that I have worked out that i can actually post photos (Thanks to "Hello") when it is built there will be pretty photos for you to look at.
Unless, of course, you have better things to do. But, if you did, you wouldn't be reading this now would you? Yes. Exactly. So the pictures will be here.

Slightly off point, my 5 string guitar has gone somewhere to be fixeded, not that it was broken...
And even if it was I didn't do it, so anyhoo, I should get it back Thursday.

Studio 8 Director.


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