My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Aaah. Slowly falling behind.

Aloha, it seems yet again I have begun to fall behind in the boring updates of my life.
Well, err, let's see what's happened recently...

I went to Lille. (France)

I will tell you now. The bus journey was probably as much or more fun than Lille itself.
I miss the bus, and the people.

Hi, to Rachel, Rhiannon, Chris and Hannah who all sat near.

Well. I can't type my whole day up. So I shall "bullet point" or whatever.

Left home town for 6hr bus journey to Folkestone.
Stopped at Memsbury on the way. Ran down escalators the wrong way. Noted the flies around the coffee attendant and the "real orange juice" machine - may have destroyed roof tiles on our exit.
Bus driver stopped in middle of roundabout and ran away, another driver replaced him.
Exchanged money into RipOff's - Sorry, silly me. Euros, with sucky commission lady.
Euromicrowave racing. Push the button then the door. From one end of EuroTrain to the other.
Got boiled in bus. In EuroTrain.
Arrived in Calais or wherever. 1 and half hour journey to Lille.
Arrived at Lille. Almost went swimming in fountain. Then realized it was bubbling with something like Suplhur.
Got lost for about half hour. Walked past the alley that would take us back where we knew about 5 times.
Found another group (Tom, Adam, Rachel, Hannah and some others. I think) got lost for two hours or so looking for the market. We found it. It was a restaurant. Then we found the real market.
Had Ice-Cream. Note: Rachel still owes me €1.
Me and Tom had a breakdown in the middle of Lille.
Wanted to buy fireworks in Calais EuroMarket thing. Dragged away. Bought choccy.

Ate choccy.
Found out market was only two streets away. Not miles. We went to the wrong one. Thanks for nothing tourism office.

If anything else comes to me.
It will be noted.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Haha. BBC2 Check your mail.

Well I'm not giving up, I took what's his face's advice and cut down my film (the parts I wanted to take away anyway) and I've patched it up into Studio8 Breakfast News (Blast Edition) or V2.
So, tomorrow, a day before the closing date, I am sending off my film to "White City" which I didn't realize until about an hour ago, is actually a building inside "BBC Media Village", hehe, sounds fun. The Village of Media. Anyway.

The real reason I am posting, is to complain about the crapicity of my computer.
Technically it's dead. But it works.
It has about 500mb left (Non-tech users - That ain't much.)
And it's about 2years old. Really, the second you buy a computer, it's out of date, but there we are.

Yesterday, I tried to print my movie (V2) to DV Tape, Ha. Shitty thing. It found my camera of about 10 minutes of randomly placing my camera around my room, then after finally rendering the movie, it printed to tape. It skipped frames, fucked up the sound. Over and over.
And over.
Oh yes. And you guessed it. And ov- Haha. No.
Then it died. I had enough, in frustration, I shut the bloody thing down before I killed it. Properly. It may be dead, but it's still connected.

Today however, standing up for my little machine, I did me a massive favour.
It worked. For about an hour, a nice little time window for my work. I changed the tape in the camera, printed to tape, and in one take it printed the movie, frame by frame; perfectly.

Aaah, I'm so proud of my little crap machine, whirring bucket thing.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Twas like Skating. Just with Ice and blades for feet...


There was me, in my bed, unsuspecting that we were leaving for my sisters birthday thingy.
Then I realized.
An hour and some moments of complete lostness in Cardiff later I was shoving blades on my feet then finding myself standing in the middle of an ice rink with people circling the edges.

Anyhoo. A couple of mislaid memories later I was flying... In the air. Follwed by a icy landing on my arse. Spectacular falls too. May I add.

Anyway, after the dawning that I had to bend my knees to enter the world of speed and almost falling over again, I was zooming around the rink. Yes. Today was a small achievement for me as I worked out how to ice-skate in a day.

A Safety Warning for the Wales National Ice Rink (WNIR)
The safety people are out to kill you.
The fly around at top speeds while you do not understand how to move - they want your blood.
As you slowly move around they track you down and try to make you fall over and get pulled into the ice and frozen.

Nah. They try to kill you though.
It was good. I'm chuffed for a little while. =P


Small Sidenote: They are letting me leave the country =P Haha, my EHIC has arrived. See you soon France.

Nintendo Revolution: Controller Revealed.

Well, I have been mentioning it alot and I thought I should at least help with the pointing in the direction of pictures and video's of Nintendo's latest magic technology.. "The Pointer" whcih was shown at the Tokyo Games Show on the 16th of September... Until now I have neglected the posting of this news on my blog...

Unlike the other 99.9% of companies that have just made their consoles show a couple of extra "magic-closer together, ooo, look its HIGH DEFINITION, it looks like your being shot" pixels and a couple of lights and a controller that looks almost exactly the same but with a blue button instead of a red one... Nintendo is different.
Anyhoo. Take a look. Now that's what I call a revolution.

IGN: Hands on the Revolution Controller (Images and Demo Info)
IGN: Understanding the Controller
IGN: Controller Teaser Video


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Studio8 Breakfast News News.

A package arrived this morning while I was at skoole, I've just come home to find it, tis my movie...
The BBC have returned it.
It hasn't been shortlisted, as expected =P

Anyway, they left a comment:
Studio8 is good fun - its nicely done & I enjoyed the performances.
I think its too long & to be honest would make a better sketch than a film, but I enjoyed it. Well done!

Jeremy Howe
Executive Producer
BBC THREE New Film Makers' Award
Well. There are more films to be made. See you soon BBC.


Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm Still Alive.

Yes, believe it or not, the blog isn't abandoned.
I am here, I still walk around and stumble into cars. But I am here.

Well, with me being in the "Here is my life for the past few days. Read it or feck off mood" I shall do some catch-up.

I am back at skoole. So far, I have been late everyday due to the crapticity of my local bus services, we have been supplied with a different driver everyday, who doesn't know how to work some aspect of the bus, such as the doors, the ticket system or the UK driving laws...

Ironically, the first day back I arrived with my form tutor mid-speech about the reinforced skoole rules, such as being punctual.

Anyhoo. Most of it is all a blur, but I do know that I am in vaguely interesting subjects that I enjoy or maybe good at... Some of the teachers are good, I won't go into it for those mental stalkers out there who might try to find me by reasearching everything I have said and matching it up to the one and only me.

So, skoole is alrite. I think.

Studio8 has picked up its camera and inspiration is flowing around.
As long as there is music. I will have my inspiration.
There, you can quote me on that while I am living in New Zealand or wherever, as the best director ever.
I am awaiting news from the BBC, I had a dream that I was shortlisted - The feeling was immense, I felt like I was going to explode with happiness...
That probably isn't going to happen.

Moving on. Let me think...
Guitar didn't sell. Damn you ebay.
Not buying iPod. Damn you Apple.
Buying computer instead. I want to build it. But my dad thinks it won't work.
Nintendo Revoulution is supposed to be shown in Tokyo in about 4-5 days for those who care.
It's raining cake and my face is on fire.

It burns.

Sloganizer Returns.

generated by

Friday, September 02, 2005

Some New News... No. Some babble? Probably. Read On.


Episode 2 of "Crappy Hour" is availible... Download now! Clicky: "Crappy Hour" Podcast Blog

Now. Back to My Babbling.

Well, I haven't really posted for a long while, with anything interesting to say.
To be honest I've had nothing interesting to say since March - "Wait, that's when this blog started?" Yes. You see my point.

Anyway. For those who do read I thank you very much, for those who I force to read, hello and thank you for listening to my force.

Hmm, congratulations to everyone on their GCSE's by the way, especially Couzin Grace. Who was obsessed by the fact she would fail. I told her she wouldn't then edited her grades (Remember... The Godliness) so she would be happy.

For those going back to that Hell-Hole in September, such as myself, good luck and I wish you hope with all examinations, detentions and plots to kill the teachers and set fire to your skoole's.
Yes. I still refuse to spell it correctly. Childish. Definetly. Do I care? No.
Anyway, my next two years should be slightly more bearable... I've taken the subjects I enjoy and like the most, for those who don't read, or who care. Here they be:
I took French, becuase I can't stand Welsh.
Geography, becuase I like it and I found it more useful than History and RE (Religious Lies, they never taught you that I was God?)
Drama, because I thought it was more important than the others if I wanted to become a director (It took a long time to turn down D&T, but I that reason chose it for me...)
Doubles Science, because I had to...
and IT, because I'm good at it.

Now. Let's stop with the doom.

Studio8 Films Update: Through the medium of magical music, I have fixed my inspiration, now I just need to match some moving pictures to the inspiration...
When the plan for a new film has been decided the Studio8 blog will be back. And less interesting than ever. Unless your interested in film-making. For those who are. Clicky: Studio8 Films

I like owning all these blogs. Haha. They will rule blogger. Or not.

Well, thanks for your time.
Come back soon, when I have something to talk about.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

ARGs and Revolution and Other Stuff.

I should really jump off a building or something... (And no. I ain't sucicidal...)
Then I would have something to blog about...

Anyhoo. Teh "Crappy Hour" podcast is on iTunes, feel free to sod off and have a listen. =P
I'm trying not to have my entire life swallowed by an ARG (That's an Alternate-Reality-Game, for those who don't know) they seem fun, but I really can't be bothered with them, except for one.

Perplex City.

Why? The story seems original and tis full of puzzles and many people find it hard to believe that I like trying to solve puzzles but I'll probably kill anyone who talks to me, hence my liking for Zelda games and such (New Zelda now releasing in March06 =( Which sucks.) Anyhoo, these puzzles are distrubuted on cards, so you don't need to be online all hours of the day working things out =) Which wouldn't make a difference to me anyway...

Also. The person to solve the puzzles (all 256) will win the prize of £100,000 which of course would be very nice. But I ain't going to solve it. Not before someone else anyway...
So. That's my ARG babble done (for today).

Moving on I have had news on teh Nintendo Revolution. It will be shown at the Tokyo Games Show in September.

iPod fund has been emptied to partially fund a new pc. Which I won't be allowed to use until Crimbo. =(

And hullo to all people I know that I may or may not have seen during the hols and I look forward to seeing you all in September.

I don't really have much else to say. I've learned to play Poker, tis fun. Beat my couzins at it. Most of the time.
And my couzins have also given me a giant barrel of Benco (The French Hot Choccy Powder).

Tis Good.

Sam. (God)
Sam'z Realm of Babbling