My Realm of Babbling

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

ARGs and Revolution and Other Stuff.

I should really jump off a building or something... (And no. I ain't sucicidal...)
Then I would have something to blog about...

Anyhoo. Teh "Crappy Hour" podcast is on iTunes, feel free to sod off and have a listen. =P
I'm trying not to have my entire life swallowed by an ARG (That's an Alternate-Reality-Game, for those who don't know) they seem fun, but I really can't be bothered with them, except for one.

Perplex City.

Why? The story seems original and tis full of puzzles and many people find it hard to believe that I like trying to solve puzzles but I'll probably kill anyone who talks to me, hence my liking for Zelda games and such (New Zelda now releasing in March06 =( Which sucks.) Anyhoo, these puzzles are distrubuted on cards, so you don't need to be online all hours of the day working things out =) Which wouldn't make a difference to me anyway...

Also. The person to solve the puzzles (all 256) will win the prize of £100,000 which of course would be very nice. But I ain't going to solve it. Not before someone else anyway...
So. That's my ARG babble done (for today).

Moving on I have had news on teh Nintendo Revolution. It will be shown at the Tokyo Games Show in September.

iPod fund has been emptied to partially fund a new pc. Which I won't be allowed to use until Crimbo. =(

And hullo to all people I know that I may or may not have seen during the hols and I look forward to seeing you all in September.

I don't really have much else to say. I've learned to play Poker, tis fun. Beat my couzins at it. Most of the time.
And my couzins have also given me a giant barrel of Benco (The French Hot Choccy Powder).

Tis Good.

Sam. (God)
Sam'z Realm of Babbling


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