My Realm of Babbling

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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Nintendo Revolution: Controller Revealed.

Well, I have been mentioning it alot and I thought I should at least help with the pointing in the direction of pictures and video's of Nintendo's latest magic technology.. "The Pointer" whcih was shown at the Tokyo Games Show on the 16th of September... Until now I have neglected the posting of this news on my blog...

Unlike the other 99.9% of companies that have just made their consoles show a couple of extra "magic-closer together, ooo, look its HIGH DEFINITION, it looks like your being shot" pixels and a couple of lights and a controller that looks almost exactly the same but with a blue button instead of a red one... Nintendo is different.
Anyhoo. Take a look. Now that's what I call a revolution.

IGN: Hands on the Revolution Controller (Images and Demo Info)
IGN: Understanding the Controller
IGN: Controller Teaser Video



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