My Realm of Babbling

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Haha. BBC2 Check your mail.

Well I'm not giving up, I took what's his face's advice and cut down my film (the parts I wanted to take away anyway) and I've patched it up into Studio8 Breakfast News (Blast Edition) or V2.
So, tomorrow, a day before the closing date, I am sending off my film to "White City" which I didn't realize until about an hour ago, is actually a building inside "BBC Media Village", hehe, sounds fun. The Village of Media. Anyway.

The real reason I am posting, is to complain about the crapicity of my computer.
Technically it's dead. But it works.
It has about 500mb left (Non-tech users - That ain't much.)
And it's about 2years old. Really, the second you buy a computer, it's out of date, but there we are.

Yesterday, I tried to print my movie (V2) to DV Tape, Ha. Shitty thing. It found my camera of about 10 minutes of randomly placing my camera around my room, then after finally rendering the movie, it printed to tape. It skipped frames, fucked up the sound. Over and over.
And over.
Oh yes. And you guessed it. And ov- Haha. No.
Then it died. I had enough, in frustration, I shut the bloody thing down before I killed it. Properly. It may be dead, but it's still connected.

Today however, standing up for my little machine, I did me a massive favour.
It worked. For about an hour, a nice little time window for my work. I changed the tape in the camera, printed to tape, and in one take it printed the movie, frame by frame; perfectly.

Aaah, I'm so proud of my little crap machine, whirring bucket thing.



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