My Realm of Babbling

Aloha and Hello and Welcome to My Realm of Babbling.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Aaah. Slowly falling behind.

Aloha, it seems yet again I have begun to fall behind in the boring updates of my life.
Well, err, let's see what's happened recently...

I went to Lille. (France)

I will tell you now. The bus journey was probably as much or more fun than Lille itself.
I miss the bus, and the people.

Hi, to Rachel, Rhiannon, Chris and Hannah who all sat near.

Well. I can't type my whole day up. So I shall "bullet point" or whatever.

Left home town for 6hr bus journey to Folkestone.
Stopped at Memsbury on the way. Ran down escalators the wrong way. Noted the flies around the coffee attendant and the "real orange juice" machine - may have destroyed roof tiles on our exit.
Bus driver stopped in middle of roundabout and ran away, another driver replaced him.
Exchanged money into RipOff's - Sorry, silly me. Euros, with sucky commission lady.
Euromicrowave racing. Push the button then the door. From one end of EuroTrain to the other.
Got boiled in bus. In EuroTrain.
Arrived in Calais or wherever. 1 and half hour journey to Lille.
Arrived at Lille. Almost went swimming in fountain. Then realized it was bubbling with something like Suplhur.
Got lost for about half hour. Walked past the alley that would take us back where we knew about 5 times.
Found another group (Tom, Adam, Rachel, Hannah and some others. I think) got lost for two hours or so looking for the market. We found it. It was a restaurant. Then we found the real market.
Had Ice-Cream. Note: Rachel still owes me €1.
Me and Tom had a breakdown in the middle of Lille.
Wanted to buy fireworks in Calais EuroMarket thing. Dragged away. Bought choccy.

Ate choccy.
Found out market was only two streets away. Not miles. We went to the wrong one. Thanks for nothing tourism office.

If anything else comes to me.
It will be noted.



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